Hey, I like this game but i seriously need to say something. Fuck Jingu's bossfight, it's so STUPIDLY ANNOYING YOU OLD MAN.

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May or may not play this when I finally own it on the Switch, I played it on Yuzu Emulator

2nd edit: playing on PC, performance wise is great but it cant detect my controller.

One of my favourites, also my first time from a Suda51 Game.

Stopped at Shadowbringers cuz I don't have money for sub anymore XD

I have done the main campaign, but never finished the side story though many people said it's easier to understand the story rather the main campaign because it is written by different people.

Bad, very short and boring.....but hey, we got jill and carlos.

My first yakuza game and also the best one in the series.


2017- until now

Still playing it, don't worry

I'll play the director's cut when it comes out but I have been waiting for this game when it was out on 2019, truly carries out the creativity of Hideo Kojima.

Maybe I am the Ghostrunner after all.....

Fuck yeah, the final bosses got me hyped especially the characters and music