it’s fine or whatever. this series isn’t good

probably the most badass game ever made

can’t believe i begged my mom for this game for 2 years.

game has dope movement and some sick shit in it but it feels really kusoge and you pretty much lost if you aren’t playing doom vergil and like magneto lmao. i still love watching this game tho

probably the most special jrpg experience one may ever have, this game will stay with you for the rest of your life. it’s so unlike the other dragon quests and it did new things that they still haven’t revisited in the series. a cornerstone of godlike gaming, this one is a game changer….

so boring bruh. game seires has the worst gameplay of all time

one of the most underrated fighting games of all time this game fucking RULES holy fuck. boot it up and play it with your friends you won’t regret it

deff overrated as shit but who cares it’s a masterpiece and that cannot be denied

it’s actually a contender for worst game i’ve ever played.

game sucks but has the best newcomer roster in fighting game history

deff not the cataclysmically bad pile of dogshit it’s described as lmao but it’s not good..