The concept for the puzzle is really cool and fun to engage with, but everything overstays it's welcome just a little too long, and there are so many secrets that I felt more annoyed than intrigued. Don't have it in me to try any New Game +

A fun game that I couldn't put down. It's jank adds a lot to it's charm, and even in the more serious cut scenes, I was more like "damn" than jarred. Difficulty and balance was a bit too inconsistent and mindless though

Finished nearly all the normal and sequel endings. Has a fun witty premise but very quickly wares off and playing the game becomes a chore just to see the endings, most of which are very random and unrelated to what you actually do

Finished story. I was impressed, it's much better than 7. But idk if I'd say it was good. Cutscenes were cool and I liked how jin's style SAS constantly changing, but story was pretty cheesy and cringey when there's potential for much better writing

Felt more like an activity at times than a puzzle but still fun nonetheless

Anything that isn't a normal testing chamber is a bit slow and feels like a "find the one wall you can portal" game. The whole retro appeture section was a draaaaaag. Thought the ending was fine

Maybe I just don't like walking sims. But also red herrings in a short story like this?!?

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Oooof did not live up to the hype. Combat was uninteresting and everything was so slow that I couldn't imagine playing without a guide. Story didn't feel that stellar either, with a lot of nonsense then a "maybe you're the bad guy" ending.

Beat 999, abandoned halfway through VLR. Waaaay too slow and neither the puzzles nor the story were good enough to justify

Platinum trophy. Felt as good as the first time

I got an albatross once but the game crashed and it didn't save