speedran this game through pure joy and adrenaline but after about ten hours i was left with not much left to do? i wish i didn’t peak so early into the game though i guess it’s kept relatively simple to learn and play intentionally. anyways i loved it where’s the sequel

honestly didn’t like this as much as i wanted to. long download times left me bored without much use of what id been downloading, i didn’t click with the rythmn gameplay and the stories sometimes are just written in a way i can’t stand. it really just chalks up to what i personally enjoy and despite it all i do like the game. but i genuinely wanted to like it more

kinda stuck how to rate this because it was the best experience of my life up until around inazuma and it has been slowly sapping the joy that it pumped into me back out ever since. pulled for scaramouche and logged out of my account never to return

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i think cracks very unfortunately start to show in chapter 3 as the scope feels just a little too grandiose while not having much to say in comparison to chapters 1 and 2 but i will be honest this game’s worst chapter is still one of the best pieces of fiction i have ever consumed. if you play this you will ruin your life but in a good way i cannot recommend it enough

too many missed opportunities to not get annoyed by (only fifteen characters and one of them is zavok) and generally just a lack of polish make this game more disappointing than promising but the gimmick definitely saves it a little from being even more mediocre. don’t love it to death or anything but sometimes all you need is a mediocre sonic racing game

broke up with my ex and suddenly had no one to play this with. not really a fault of the game except for the fact that games like these are horribly boring to play on your own and these are all already free if you have google

fuck the pottery minigame it ruined my life when i was eight

they invented a game where it’s not even fun to use the busted character and as someone who accepts low brow content that’s crazy. it’s really not that bad but there’s only like three stages that i actually like playing on and the general pace of the game feels clunky and sluggish more than anything. half decent time waster but i don’t really play fighting games so i wouldn’t know about the better alternatives that probably exist

people are too mean to this game but also so am i. not much to write home about but i never gave my friends copy of brawl back so might as well just play it

gonna be honest i don’t know why everyone was so mad about ice climbers

what once was a pretty decent time waster that actually managed to balance mobile game tropes of forcing your players to not play for extended periods of time and actual gameplay just got too bloated with content i genuinely can’t bring myself to care about. with added obnoxious difficulty spikes that unnaturally halt progression and really once you hit a road block it’s very hard to get the motivation to get back out of it. unfortunately went the way of the gacha game, so ill just watch the main story cutscenes on youtube whenever they deign to get back on with the shit you actually care about