206 Reviews liked by essemkato

i legitimately consider this an inferior port because they redubbed the voice acting. we know they still had the files too so it's not even like they had to. what the fuck.

this a case of higher highs and lower lows than dkc2. for the most part there's a lot of creative and really well-themed levels, and use of animal buddies reaches its apex. unfortunately, nasty difficulty spikes keep this one from being AS good in my book. i'll have to replay both this and 2, though.

I don’t think I need to explain to you why this is one of the greatest games ever made so instead I’ll mention how my brother randomly decided to play this for the first time alongside me after we both liked Prime 3 growing up (don’t ask why that was the one we started with years ago). Anyways, this is legit one of the only games he has given a shit about in the past couple of years and he’s loved it. Just thought that was neat.

murdering politicians MIGHT be ok guys

set aside takes on whether the game is good or whatever. the rating is tied to how much i loved it as a kid, i havent finished replaying and there are more important things to discuss anyway:

mario goes to fucking JAIL. you ever think about that? i mean sit down, and really think about it. i think our society has normalised the fact that mario goes to jail in super mario sunshine. dude literally gets taken to court and handed a sentence. this would NEVER happen in a mario game today. and here it is, in the first 10 minutes. then he has to do community service??? THEY EVEN MADE WANTED POSTERS. i think if you suggested this as a plot for any big nintendo IP you'd get laughed at. can you imagine the next pokemon game starting like this? this game came out in 2002, and truthfully, i am nowhere near old enough to remember people's immediate reactions to it. but i think more games should send their protagonists to jail. ignoring that the plot here is a retread of one of the greatest written games of all time, sonic adventure 2, which came out a year before sunshine, this was a very bold move for the series.

i had to look up the name of the wonderful writer who decided to send mario to jail - makoto wada. interestingly, this is his only writing credit for a mario game (besides 2000's mario artist for the 64DD). can you imagine the state of the mario canon if it was left in his hands? you know those joke games with fake box art with like, "Yoshi Commits Tax Fraud". you ever think about how mario sunshine was officially that, way back?

the rest of the game no doubt delivers on its bizarre premise, as mario is made to clean up psychedelic goop for a good 20 hours, ride a soluble yoshi, become an eel dentist among many other things, before finally topping it off with flipping bowser out of his bathtub. but really, mario sunshine deserves to go down in history as the game that dared send gaming's biggest icon to the slammer.

this is the first video game i ever played, my childhood nostalgia game. i played only halfway through it as a kid (fuck you stupid snail eyeball level) and lost my gameboy, i found it again 11 years later and 100%ed the game. jesus fucking christ i love this game. the spider. the belching barrel. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

also if you dont like kiddy kong youre legally no longer allowed to have an opinion on video games, sorry

classics in unbalanced source mod design. all you do is scream at your boys and then try to knock people flat on their ass because more difficult kills result in higher notoriety, which is the actual point value placing you at the top of the leaderboard. walk into a shot-up tavern expecting white knuckle duels where each bullet shot is a costly time expenditure and instead some drunk slurring 'pass the whiskey' starts playing the piano and with great poise dodges every one of your fired rounds just to get in your face and crush your windpipe. eat your heart out rdr2, this is the real wild west

real ones didn't actually use this with friends and just drew penises by themselves

congrats to this game for taking the joy and fun out of killing klansmen by having them just be regular nazis wearing their garments for no reason

people always wonder "what can doom be played on" and never "what can be played on doom"

Comes off as a fun fighting game. But once the frames drop to 18 and I-NO makes her entrance, This becomes one of the most intense horror games you will experience

oh you love to refine your reflexes and decision making? i have spent over 10,000 hours dying to grenades on dustbowl

Raiders of the Lost Ark the game, except Raiders had groundbreaking special effects while Uncharted ruined shooters.