For game like "Diablo with guns" there is not too much loot

Nice game, gonna wait for full release

It's stupid as fuck (not childish or simple), but at the same time it's pretty funny. I thought about 4 stars, but I put less because of bugs in the end

Three or mb four times I come to this world just like my first time. And it's still wonderful

It was great. But later Ubisoft decided to shit their pants

The story... My god, it wad truly amazing

Story... Perfecto
Ayn Rand was totally wrong)


Nice story, but TOEM is missing something I can't understand for now
Anyway solid game

It's fun only for first 60 minutes
After you understand that there isn't much to do, just tons of buggy grinding

It was ok on PC in 2020, but now it's perfect

It is still the best RPG in space

Good start, pathetic ending