worst remixes of the three but they're still pretty good. the jazztronik last surprise remix is actually just a 70's movie theme over "last surprise" and yet it still somehow slaps

social links are boring and there's no story, but it got the best remixes outta the three

if u buy this because someone tells you it's "SCP: the game", be wary of the fact that this is SCP the game only if you exclusively read SCP articles about mildly interesting telekinetic SCPs. nonetheless, they manage to make the world interesting and the surreal levels are always cool, but the gameplay kinda fucking sucks balls. once you get the power to throw enormous rocks at people you might as well throw the gun away

kratus and atropos' relationship and the development thereof is great but damn the gameplay can get hella repetitive and it felt like the over-the-shoulder camera was a detriment. also, it really did not need to be open-world, like at all

We gotta
Number one victory royale
Yeah Fortnite we bout’ to get down (get down)
10 kills on the board right now
Just wiped out tomato town

as is atlus's wont, basically just a straight upgrade to the original catherine. therefore, epic

holy crap they made persona 5 fornite!??

2016 summer was the last time the internet felt like a good place

can't really understate how much this game means to me, and its core themes and messages resonated with me and still make me feel somethin to this day. when I 100% completed it and had nothing else left it actually depressed tf outta me. yeah the story can be kinda meh and some of the design decisions are questionable, but I truly do love this game

by far the best story in the TRILOGY of persona games, but Tartarus is so fucking mind-numbingly boring. it is more than well worth it for the story tho

persona fanns be like my favorite underage character is way hotter than you favortei undreage cahracter

fun while you're playing it but once you put it down any and all memory of it will instantaneously leave your mind

probably the best of the three because it's the only one with an actual story. also somehow the characters are (mostly) safe from spinoff personality syndrome as opposed to some other spinoffs (cough cough P4A)

a lotta people seemed to really despise this game, but I enjoyed my time with it. obviously, the writing isn't as good as FNV but I always felt like the gameplay in FNV was half-baked and this is basically just an extension of that. also surprisingly short, so I can't say this isn't at least worth checking out.

i'm actually glad this game exists so that we can have a shining beacon to tell developers that procedurally generating an open world is a dumbass fuck idea