THQ delivered an intelligent reaimagining of a classic that's not ashamed of it's lovecraftian roots and understands what made it so groundbreaking at the time.
i do wish there was less focus on combat and more creative ways to defeat enemies like in the original, though. it's funny to see how cicles go and i guess it was always inevitable how this game would borrow heavy inspiration from the recent resident evil remakes. oh man, i really liked it!

wake up babe, for the first time since 1992 alone in the dark is good again

spent the entirety of my sunday playing this and had to rush the main story a little bit by the end to be able to complete it before leaving game pass but it was fun! some of these snacks kinda cute kinda evil, straight up


kkb's magnum opus

i don't usually drop games, let alone one this short, but damn this shit boring af. the promise of it being a detective game with a beautiful art style really fooled me.. it's barely a game you just click stuff and do google searches lmao

it's also got one of the least engaging writings and voice acting that i've ever seen. hard pass

Completed Ota's and Mizuki's routes and I'm done with it. How can this game have such high rating is beyond me

she's been staring at me for days, guess the game is over?

finally finished it. holy fucking shit this was..... NOT WHAT I EXPECTED. daniel mullins are you okay bro?????

I had a lot of fun playing it with some friends, although the puzzles and weird mechanics are very frustrating at parts. Some interesting level design and fun to explore as well.

thank you sam barlow for being one of the most creative minds in the gaming industry and delivering this unique experience. i don't want to tell much about the game because i think this is one of those cases you should really try it for yourself.

people complaining about a "lack of gameplay" are one of the reasons why this medium innovates so little these days

Bald man kills people. A casual but hard to master and really fun game that doesn't take itself too seriously, there is barely any story to follow here. Emergent narrative is something I will always cherish in video game design, and maybe Hitman 2016 could be called an immersive sim-like (oh god) since it allows so much player expression and different approaches to the main objectives.
Goofy, sometimes ridiculous, but awesome.

nice lil trip down memory lane

My first game played on the Switch, it had to be this one and didn't disappoint. 3D Mario brings me so much good memories from Super Mario Sunshine, which I absolutely loved as a child. I always loved the style and creativity that these games have. Super Mario Odyssey looks absolutely gorgeous and is joy to play, all the kingdoms are fun and unique. New Donk City rules tho.

The new mechanic is trademark Nintendo, simple but functional. It adds so much variety to gameplay and some of the creatures you can capture could easily have each a game of their own.

Nintendo did it again.


The ending of my first playthrough was a little disappointing and I couldn't save everyone but I'm so excited to play more and unveil all the secrets.
The production value of this project is insane and I'm so happy that Supermassive finally made a worthy sucessor to Until Dawn, one of my favorite horror experiences ever. This was such a treat.

elden ring and god of war step aside, this is the true game of the year 2022

bucket. property of stanley.

reached the end credits but wtf I'VE STILL GOT SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS 😭 sam barlow imma find you bitch

overall amazing game, take your time with it. marissa marcel is a STAR

absolutely amazing from a technical and gameplay standpoint, but i was left a bit disappointed. it definitely didn't hit as hard as the first game for me.
although combat still being super fun and traversal better than ever, same can't be said about the narrative. the story isn't even that bad but it's characters are. and the writing too. i swear i couln't care about any of those people and havind peter and miles be this souless, devoid of any charisma ain't right. and why tf did MJ have to become a super soldier like... that's not what makes her a strong character.

insomniac are great, but as we could also notice in the ratchet game, their writing and world building simply is not interesting enough to make me that invested on their stories.