it's SO GOOD! easily my favorite 2d metroid since super

love you sammy

The most cooperative co-op game I've ever played. So much fun.

cute and all but definitely not my cuppa tea. maybe would feel different had i played during 2020 when it was the biggest hit but well, it is what it is

Good fun and solid gameplay but it got repetitive very quickly.

The best story in the trilogy. Also love the art direction and locations.

hated the flashlight mechanic but every single thing that this games does well, it does SUPER well. the spooky atmosphere is so effective. games with abstract storytelling rule.

that ending 👀

The way we are meant to consume these Hitman games is quite interesting. You can complete the entire campaing for the first time in like five hours and be left a bit underwhelming, but really it's the repetition of those levels that give players that Itch. Exploring every scenario possible and gaining mastery of each location is extremely satisfying. To be honest I've never experienced a single-player game that is so replayable. Hitman 2016 was an amazing "reboot" in the series and IO undertood that they didn't need to change much. Gameplay is more of the same with some good improvements and welcome additions. Level design and polishment are even more ambitious and impressive than it's predecessor.

I know that story isn't really that important in Hitman games but as a negative I must mention that the cutscenes are really weird and not engaging to watch. I am aware the developers were heavily understaffed after Square Enix left and that could be the reason.

I still haven't tried the multiplayer modes but they look very interesting. I'm still amazed with how much content these games have to offer.

As a love letter to one of my favorite genres I couldn't help but be very excited when I started this game. It's so charming in it's presentation and so familiar if you are a fan of classic survival horror. But as things progressed I ended up a bit frustrated by the lack of enemy variety, resource management and a shallow story. Although interesting for the most part, the puzzles were a bit hit and miss in my experience, with some of them being really obtuse and hard to understand, which resulted and me getting frustrated and unabled to progress several times during my playthrough.

I wouldn't go as far as to say this is a great game, but I appreciate the devs efforts in bringing classic survival horror back. It's a beautiful homage nonetheless.

Completed the campaign. Can confirm it's pretty good.

finally a good season!! new support hero, new maps + a new game mode is a nice change of pace, with the awaited PvE content dropping at last, even if underwhelmingly. thought hero mastery to be an interesting addition, hope they can expand on it

despite that i'm not very optimistic about the future of this game, the potential was there man... nice one blizz

RE4R's combat is peak, so so addicting

lame season, almost made me not wanna come back