really good wrestling game. the story mode has maybe a bit too much padding, but i still never got tired of the fighting mechanics. good story mode too. glad i finally played one of the def jam games.

one of the best fighting games ive played

definitely a part of the upper echelon within the genre. really cool game. make more beat em ups with guns

yeahhhhh this game is real good. i love fighting games.

finally got around to beating the arcade mode. i now understand the hype

more of the same as the first one, but nothing really to complain about there. still fun, and the added 4th character is fun too

a neat little mega man boss rush. fun stuff. protoman feels so good

was just gonna try this one out for a sec, and ended up beating the arcade mode instead lol.
had a great time button mashing. really fun game, especially for beginners

enjoyed it just as much as i thought i would. a truly lovely experience.

turns out me and bubsy have more in common than i thought

just realized i forgot to log this one, but this game rules dude

absolutely wild that this released in 1989. obviously way ahead of it's time. the ship's hitbox feels a bit bigger than i'd like, and the last few levels had me dying constantly, but a very fun shmup for sure

one of the few shmups i've finished and thought to myself "yeah, i could probably beat this one without infinite credits". a lot more fair than most shmups of the era and seems to really reward memorization. the animations in this game are absolutely stellar too. really liked it! may check out the console ports too

a fun, cozy little shmup that can easily be beaten in one sitting. cute animations and great music. and a great translation, as to be expected from Hilltop.