faea gaming: November 2023

I log any game here that I played for any amount of time, which is why there ends up being so many games

Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
In Progress
Trying to 112% semi-blind (no looking stuff up and also no compass cause I played this game to death 3 years ago). One last outing to Hallownest shows a lot of holes i never really noticed before but it's still not enough to break the grip it has on me. Lovely game
Armored Core: Nexus
Armored Core: Nexus
For how little context you get for most of the game I found the ending parts of the story incredibly compelling, seeing the power struggles reach a pyrrhic conclusion and watching the lives of yourself and the other Ravens fall apart around you as it happened. Felt like I was failing forwards similar to ac3, though it at least pretends it has the capacity to punish you when you fail a mission. Also seeing the outcomes of your failed missions makes it pretty interesting. ECM is annoying but I didn't exactly prepare for it ever. Hover legs are awesome and you guys shoulda got me on these earlier
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Had a nice group who played ultimate back when i was a compsci student (yuck), met up with one of them for the first time since before covid and we accidentally just played this for 3 hours. Great stuff when nobody cares about winning or losing. my ness is still schnasty (not really)
Armored Core: Last Raven
Armored Core: Last Raven
Completed(? I did one route)
Grew on me as I went but still my least favourite of the old-school AC games sadly. If the arena is your favourite part of the old games you'll probably like it a lot more than I did
Armored Core 4
Armored Core 4
Shelved/dropped idk
I played this for like half an hour after my initial bounce-off of last raven, graphical issues and not really understanding the blueprint stuff didn't help but needless to say I was doomed to drop this one from the start lol. I might try it again some time but at the same time the combat still doesn't appeal to me so who knows really
No More Heroes
No More Heroes
PISSED that it took me until the FINAL BOSS to start enjoying the combat. Very funny and has some interesting storytelling stuff going on, the actual message feels a bit muddied but I think it's got its heart in the right place. I'm more than down to play the other NMH games now and I'd love to give this one a rerun after those!
Risk of Rain Returns
Risk of Rain Returns
Played (review)
Really happy with this!!! I was apprehensive cause i dont really like roguelikes atm but RoR1 is one of those ones that I think has really great core gameplay regardless of what else is happening. Love playing with my squads from back in the day. I like sniper :)
Completed (review)
Might not be my absolute favouritest game ever but holy fuck it rips and I am so desperate for more games with even half as much energy as this

No, there's always time for fun.
It's Friday night.
Holy crap i forgot how hard nier soundtrack fucks. These guys could be shovelling raw sewage into my mouth with this going on in the background and id be like waiter waiter more sewage please!!!


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