Wow. Where do I start with this one? This is a well-done game; honestly, you can feel the love and care put into the characters and creating this world right from the first case/episode.

Starting the game, you play as Ryunosuke, an ancestor of Phoenix Wright, entering into his first trial, defending... you guessed it, HIMSELF. For the first case of an AA game, this one truly knows how to grab your attention and not let go. Right from Ryu's first couple of lines, I was HOOKED. His story is so interesting, and the development he goes through along his journey from a rookie lawyer in Japan, to an educated lawyer in Britain is such a special journey. This whole world that the game is set in feels so enthralling and captivating. The characters in this game just feel real and HUMAN (even if exaggerated) in a way that's so special to the Ace Attorney franchise, which makes it a hallmark of the series as a whole.

I feel like one thing this game does exceptionally well is its message and themes. After the second case, most of the game sort of spins into "How can I carry on someone's legacy in a way that will satisfy them, and how can I try to complete their goals" at least on Ryu's end. Seeing his internal struggle of coping with loss and trying to carry on someone's dreams, as well as trying to take on a foreign land with strange customs and people that don't make a whole lot of sense to him is so special to watch. Another message of this game seems to be just the human experience, and how- even if some people are talking differently or dress differently than you, at the end of the day, everyone is still human. We all still have these innate similarities in some way or another, even if some are more surprising than one would first expect.

The soundtrack and visual design of this game are honestly some of the best that I have seen through my Ace Attorney franchise playthrough yet. The art style works super well for this game, and I love the addition of 3D animation in-game blended with anime-style cutscenes. Everything in this game just feels so...alive, in a way that I am not sure the first trilogy quite hit. Another thing I love about this game is the music. I'm being serious- I could sit for hours and just listen to track after track from this game and still be captivated by them all.

All in all, the care and love put into this game were astounding, and I was very pleasantly surprised with the journey. At first, I was afraid of being put into a world in this universe where I did not know any of the characters or world around me, but TGAA has time and time again throughout the game proven to cause me no worry. I am so glad I played this. This whole game just feels like a love letter put out to the fans, in the best way possible.

I truly love this game. It was one of the first Zelda games that I completed the full way through, and it truly was magical.

I loved the way this game uses Occarina's song features and introduces the player to different songs that all have special abilities or powers to them. I also loved the storytelling of this game, for the core story remains so simple: a boy gets caught up in a series of misadventures and is tasked with saving the world- seemingly from certain doom and destruction. I also love how the game lets you travel around to all of the different areas, exploring the world around you and having fun. For this game being as old as it is, it has held up surprisingly well, and I honestly sort of wish I was around to see it when it first came out, and experience just how impressive it was back then. I truly love it, and will definitely be coming back to it someday.

This game took me honestly way longer than it should have to finish. At first, I didn't care for it as much as the first Investigations, mainly because the first 2-3 cases seemed to drag on a bit and I didn't find them all that exciting or enjoyable, aside from seeing the bond between characters such as Kay+Edgeworth or Gumshoe and Edgeworth's bonds develop more.

However, that all changed when I got to case 4. This case truly was one of the best cases in the game, everything from its use of the investigation mechanic to the storyline. Case 4 and 5 will definitely be why I come back to this game in the future, because they both are so iconic and speak to the franchise's core messages of believing in yourself, finding the truth and true meaning of justice, and trust.

The latter half of the game was a treat, and I am glad I decided to play the Investigations spinoffs. I loved seeing Edgeworth shine, and I hope we can get more content featuring him as a main factor someday.

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I have quite a bit to say about this one, so hang in there.


It was so refreshing to get a look inside Steph's head in Wavelengths. From the moment I first saw her character in Before The Storm I was intrigued by her. She seemed like such a cool character, so I was elated to learn that she would play such a major role in the True Colors base game. Getting to know her not only through Chloe's perspective, but also Alex's was truly awesome, but I had always wished we could see inside her head- know what was going on from her side in both those games. Which is where Wavelengths come in. I loved playing as her, and she is one of my favorite playable characters in the franchise. At first, when I opened Wavelengths and the game asked me if I had saved Arcadia Bay, I was a little confused about where the game was going story-wise, or exactly how relevant my response would be. But, I made my selection honestly anyway (I had chosen to sacrifice Arcadia Bay).

Upon starting the game, the premise seemed exceedingly simple: do these tasks to run both the record store and the radio station, as tasks get checked off the list, new ones get added until the end of the "season" and so on. Even with a relatively simple premise like this, I still found ways to entertain myself, and I was glad for the chance to be able to properly explore Steph's world around her. Uncovering new areas of the store, helping the store and station grow, and watching as Steph's own personal style and spin on the place were developed over time was pretty enthralling, and I cannot wait to be able to come back to both this DLC and True Colors in the future.

Honestly, the only issue that I had with the DLC was how.. short it was, and that there weren't any appearances from characters aside from in voice lines. But honestly, if this is the expansion of the story that the devs set out to develop, then I think I am fine with that, as these are only just minor gripes. I did wish that we got a bit more screentime bonding from Gabe/Charlotte/Ryan, but reading their text messages and responding to their calls was still sweet.

This is where we start getting deeper, so read on if you wish lol. In summer, seeing the store all set up for pride, seeing Steph's memories of her past life with Izzie, getting to glimpse into who she was as a younger lgbtq+ teen, it all made her feel so much more like a real person, and a lot more relatable as a gay/trans-teen-er young adult myself. I am so glad that the devs included this segment. As the game progressed into the fall/Halloween season, Steph's overall mood and feelings changed drastically, as we neared eerily close to the anniversary of Arcadia Bay's destruction. I remember at the ending of the first game, watching Chloe and Max drive off after the storm, wondering "What about everyone else? What about their friends and family who were left behind?" which I feel this DLC (and the comics by extension) did a great job at responding to this question. Seeing how Steph and Mikey's lives turned out after narrowly escaping their deaths during the storm was special. Seeing how haunted Steph still was all those years later - and by the extent of how much it had shaped both their lives. It was nice to see Steph and Mikey's relationship put on the forefront, as some of the only characters who appeared onscreen during this game were not just voiceover lines.

This DLC was truly an amazing addition to the franchise and one that I deeply love. It feels sort of like a love letter to fans of the original game that started this all. I hope we can someday see more of these characters in the future because I don't know if I'm ready to let them all go yet lol.

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Hands down this is probably one of the best games I have ever played. I loved it so much. The entire game is spectacular- from the soundtrack to the visuals, to the story- everything feels so RIGHT with it.

The story begins with young photographer Max Caulfield returning after a long time to her old hometown of Arcadia Bay, quickly reuniting with old friend Chloe Price, and attending the private school Blackwell Academy.

However, being back isn't as good as it seems, for the duo set out to investigate mysterious rumors surrounding the extracurricular Vortex Club, as well as the disappearance of Chloe's former best friend, Rachel Amber. As the story progresses, Chloe and Max become further swept up in their investigation, discovering a much darker side to Arcadia Bay than Max ever knew possible.

Gameplay-wise it was pretty simplistic, you move through different areas exploring and interacting with the world and people around you, looking for clues and solving puzzles. The game also makes efficient use of Max's superpower- the ability to rewind time. The game gives you so many opportunities to use this power and seems to actively push the player into using it. However, with a power as cool as this, there are bound to be consequences.

One thing that I feel is central to this game is the meaning of "destiny" and how Max's actions, even if done with the best of intentions, can cause harm or unintended consequences. I feel the ending does an exceptional job of showcasing this. The entirety of Episodes 4 and 5 are all about Max making hard decisions, and realizing the true effects of her choices and power. For example, in Episode 5, the storm that befalls Arcadia Bay is slowly realized of potentially even be caused by Max's overuse of her powers- which leads to the final big decision of the game: Will Max choose to sacrifice Chloe, a best friend- and romantic partner she had just reunited with to save the whole town? Or, will she choose her happiness and put herself first for once by choosing to save Chloe, but perhaps sacrificing the entirety of Arcadia Bay in her wake? On one hand, if the player chose to sacrifice Chloe and save the town, Chloe would die in the first episode in the bathroom, in her last moments being told how pointless her existence was and how horrible she was as a person. However, if the player chose to save Chloe, the entire town would face the wrath of the storm, and there might be only a few survivors. I spent a great while trying to figure out my choice, but in the end, I chose to save Chloe. Throughout the entire game, such a strong emphasis is put on Chloe and Max's relationship, as well as how important Chloe is to Max and those around her. The entire game gives both of them so much development to their personalities but also their relationship, which would be pretty much lost if you sacrificed her.

This game puts the limits of "what would you be willing to sacrifice?" to the test. It also tests the player's ability to think on their feet (shown throughout the fourth and fifth episodes respectively) and the player's- and by extension Max's morality.

Everything about this game feels special and brilliant in its way. I am really glad I got to play this game.

I loved that this game not only focused on the "investigation" of a mystery but also focused on the intricate friendship-turned-potential love story of Chloe and Max. They are definitely by far one of my favorite couples from any game series that I've played, and I will forever love revisiting both this game and them from time to time.

Also, this game made me way too emotional (in a good way) and gave me brain rot lol. I am 100% hooked on this franchise.

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Where do I begin with this one? Everything in this game was phenomenal. I truly believe this was a return to the original formula from LIS 1 after a long detour in Before the Storm and LIS 2.

Everything in this game was done spectacularly well. The music, the visuals, the artwork, the dialogue- everything. I don't have any gripes about this at all, and it is truly a game that is now special to me. From so many banger songs in the soundtrack to the spectacular use of color palettes and visual imagery throughout the game, this entire game feels like an artistic masterpiece.

The story is somewhat like the usual LIS premise- a seemingly "broken" or lost individual (or duo) arrives somewhere new or is faced with a big challenge, then they find some form of "corruption" or tragedy, which most of the game is spent trying to solve. This game returns heavily back to the "investigation" aspect from LIS 1, but they do it refreshingly and interestingly which sets it apart from other games in the franchise.

Alex's character is really special- and her journey throughout the game is just so enthralling to watch. Every time I sat down to play the game I got lost in it, and it's been all I have thought about the past few days. Her journey starts as a girl just wanting to find a place to call home- and a reunion with her brother after eight years in the mining town of Haven Springs seems to promise just that. However, like in other LIS games, tragedy strikes- when a rescue mission goes from successful to fatal in seconds- as her brother is killed in a mining explosion. Convinced there was more to her brother's death than just an accident, Alex and her newly acquired friends set out to investigate that night's events, all while Alex is left trying to pick up the pieces from her brother's untimely death and adjust to her new life in Haven Springs. During the game, she faces not only obstacles from solving her brother's death but many interpersonal struggles with the other residents of the town as well. The core themes of this game seem to speak of " grief", "moving on from the past", and "finding a home/found family" as Alex struggles to find comfort and stability in her new life amidst the chaos of tragedy. She meets new people, attempts to let go of her past trauma/pain, has a chance to fall in love and is finally given a proper chance for a fresh start and a support network that cares about her.

The addition of Alex's power mechanic was truly wonderful, and I feel like it was put to use in an effective way that contributed immensely to gameplay. Where Max's power was that of time travel, Alex's was her ability to read into and feel other's emotions or memories. Throughout the story, the game gives many chances for the player to utilize this power, whether it be through helping folks around the town or interacting with objects that trigger memories or certain emotions. This power, while it does seem to genuinely cause Alex pain sometimes, also seems to help her by helping her process her pain and trauma.

I am so glad that the LIS team kept the "plurality of endings" choice made in LIS 2 and Before The Storm because I genuinely don't think I would have been satisfied with only having a choice between 2 endings. I also love the fact that they gave us 2 romanceable characters- who are both pretty much equally good pairings for Alex. Steph and Ryan both are great matches for her, and players will not be disappointed with whichever one they choose- if they choose to romance anyone that is. But back to the ending, I got I think the best outcome possible one of the best outcomes possible, and it was so worth it. Everything in the final 2 chapters was stunning and enthralling, from the twist of Jed being the main antagonist, to Alex's dream sequence and visit with Gabe, all the way to the final moment when Alex reveals all to the city council members. These are some of the LIS team's best storytelling moments, and it shows.

I think this game is my second favorite of the LIS franchise- it's not QUITE as loved for me as the first Life is Strange, but I don't think it could or should be expected to. The first game is truly just special. But this game is also special in its unique way. I truly enjoyed every moment of this game, and I cannot wait to return to it someday to play again- or see how my choices will differ then.

Also, Alex and Steph are some of the best sapphic couple representations that I know of today (aside from Max and Chloe), and I would do ANYTHING for both of them. They so rule.

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I honestly enjoyed this game. Although I did miss the mechanic of Max's powers that LIS 1 had, I think the Chloe backtalk was an interesting mechanic to use as a replacement, it was fun seeing Chloe's sassy/more "fiesty" side shine.

Overall, I feel like this game's storytelling is its best attribute, although I enjoyed the brief return of "investigation" style playing (as there was in the first game) with Chloe and Rachel.

Not gonna lie though, when I first started playing Episode 1, I figured the game's story would focus more on Rachel's disappearance or the events leading up to her disappearance, and was a bit surprised when I started to realize that wasn't the case. Instead, we ended up with a story of not only a mother finding her long-lost daughter, with a (possible) bittersweet reunion at the end, but we also ended up with a far deeper story of coping with grief and moving on. It wasn't the story I had initially wanted, but it was a story I was nonetheless pleased with.

This game made me like Rachel and Chloe far more than I had intended to like them as a pairing going in, and for that, I'm pleasantly surprised. I still don't think I love them as much as Chloe x Max. But going back to liking Rachel, this game introduced her character pretty well and made you feel the impact of how close she and Chloe had gotten. This game made you really care about her character and even relate to her as in my case--, so that when you did recall the events leading up to Life Is Strange 1, you would genuinely be sad for what the player knew as Rachel's fate, and something that became clearer in the chilling post-credit scene. The cut from Rachel and Chloe both smiling and enjoying a fun day inside a photo booth, right to a cold shot of what can only be seen as the Dark Room and zoom on Rachel's phone, vibrating with several missed calls from Chloe, along with the somewhat eerie sound of a camera's shutter made my stomach sink, despite knowing already what ends up happening to poor Rachel.

Overall an awesome game in terms of visuals, gameplay, soundtrack, and story, definitely a great prequel to the main story of Chloe and Max. This game is also an overall solid addition to the Life is Strange series as a whole.

This is by far one of the best KH games there is nearly, I loved (almost) every minute of it

Honestly, another banger. I loved the music and the characters so much.

Super nostalgic game- I loved it as a kid

A game that makes me nostalgic

the "please don't shake the baby" still haunts me