I do have to admit, after starting with 0 then going to kiwami 1 and 2 this is a rough comparison and shift. Its still a Yakuza game but is by far the weakest mainline entry.

Improves on Bravely Default in almost every area. I really enjoyed the balance changes between this and BD, and i really enjoy Yew as a protagonist. The dialog is kind of corny but I personally think its part of its charm. Only thing thats worse is the soundtrack and I wouldnt say its bad by any means, it fits the themes of the game better then the original soundtrack, but the more guitar focused soundtrack feels way more homogenized overall. The decision in BD to make every characters themes play with a specific instrument gave each a unique flair. felt that was missing here. The soundtrack still bumps its just really hard to follow up such a legendary soundtrack.

I really want to like this game more then I do. I cannot tell if I'm just worse or the people who play this literally all the time are better. going into this game periodically has just been annoying to play, but i still do it cause the gameplays fun. Nintendo does still need to fix the internet in this game bad though.

I wish there were more then 5 maps for a full price game.


The games not amazing or anything but as a budget style zombie game its fine and does the job. Almost feels like zombie dark souls but fairer. theres some weirdness with stripping out the wii u gamepad elements into a traditional experience but it does its job well enough.

Story is great. Telltale storytelling is also annoying and infuriating to deal with especially on repeat playthroughs. Don't trust the game, your choices do not matter at all, they will always eventually converge to the same endgame at the end of the day. The story is great regardless and saves this but I really am soured on the telltale formula a bit after all of this time.

I really like Clem as a character but everyone else in this plot is annoying and the characters actions make no sense. Why is there an almost 2 year time skip with no explanation given to where Christa's baby went? Why didn't we see that story? Why is Omid's death basically rushed through? This game gets worse and worse as it goes and then is capped off by one of the worst final confrontations in Telltale history. The problem is i literally hate both of the characters you can potentially side with at that point. I don't want to have either of them live. There's no choice to shoot one of them if you kill the other, but there is the other way around?!? man the finale of this game is awful.

Its pretty good. Good plot, good action. Some of the decision points were real question marks and occasionally dialog made decisions that I didn't intend based on the dialog prompts being fairly vague. I feel like im going to sour on this if i replayed it, cause it sure felt like a telltale game sometimes.

Interesting little puzzle game. Don't want to say to much in risk of spoiling but it's worth your time to play it.

Its fine. Both parts felt criminally short, although that might be partially my own fault for rolling up with all level 100s. I guess its on me expecting any kind of performance improvements in the updates but im still disappointed there were none.

I don't know if I've "broken through the wall" by beating this finally, but I really enjoyed my time with this game now that I had a friend help explain things to me and made sure I didn't miss super important stuff. I feel like DS3 /Bloodbourne era of Fromsoft is my favorite era, it feels like while not all of the jank is gone, enough of it is to make a functional game and a mostly not frustrating experience. DS3 was honestly shorter and easier then i thought it would be overall, but I also was apparently using one of the best builds so that may be skewing my perspective slightly. I have two DLC bosses to beat still and I cannot wait to hit new game plus after that.