Man when this game is good its real good. When its not its really not good. The story is a bunch of garbage and I almost can overlook that if I wasn't playing as a character that I hate to play as a quarter of the time. Or if Jeanne's levels didn't also suck. Or if all the skill trees for all the weapons didn't feel exactly the same. Its still fine and playable enough just was expecting more with such a long wait. I legit think i would have had more fun skipping the cutscenes in their entirety.

Im so salty that i bought this pile of crap i felt like i got tricked paying full price for a nostalgia bait game only to be slapped in the face with a budget story campaign being my only thanks for buying this day 1. And now its no longer being supported. Shit like this makes me hate Square.

I cant say I wasn't annoyed with a few things plot wise with the new character but goddamnit this is still one of the best modern JRPGs and up there with the titans of the JRPGs of old as a legendary game.

Everything that was changed from BD1 and Bravely Second was a miss. Games a fine RPG on its own but its systems feel like a cheap knock off of the 3ds games. They didnt need to touch the mechanics at all.

This game has the meat of the best pokemon game to ever exist hidden in here somewhere. The new pokemon designs keep being amazing. That being said, I have never played even a Pokemon fan game that runs like the pile of gravel this game runs like and its frankly embarrassing. I really hope the patch starts to fix some of the problems with this but it wouldn't fix everything. Nintendo finally had a chance to do a legit open world style game but nope, its pretty much do it in somewhat linear order or you will either be pounded into mulch or be super over leveled. All I wanted was a Skyrim like leveling system in a Pokemon game if they were going to do open world traditional pokemon. PLA failed for me in the same ways and was a technical mess as well but not anywhere near this bad.

worthy successor to Danganronpa. Falls into some of Danganronpa's tropes but due to the format shift was able to execute those in new and interesting ways. Probablly the best VN based title I have played in a long time.

God this game is utterly fantastic. Reignited my enjoyment of DnD by itself. a masterpiece of CRPGs and the greatest dnd video game to ever exist.

This is basically a dark souls with 1000000% more equipment which was tedious as hell to interact with. I got to the scorpion boss before deciding my time was better spent elsewhere, at least for now.

Man the collection of disney worlds left me with a bad taste in my mouth. An amazing endgame, confusing and tedious DLC and great super bosses help weigh this game out to a good for me.

As much as I liked this game it was really hard to not get lost in the sauce playing this, especially in the late half. Its also weird seeing how much of the design philosophy carried over from this game into Bayo 3. Still really fun just gets worse and worse as it goes and the side stuff is tedious and pointless.

I wish I was good enough at this to beat the final 2 C sides and Farewell that I cannot beat. Love this game completely.

fantastic omage to Survival Horror games of yesteryear. I cannot overstate my praise for this game.

This game makes me realize id be a horrible programmer.

This is the Final Fantasy game that started a lifelong obsession for me. Sure the game is fairly simple in comparison to what's come after and before this. Sure the story is a buncha nonsense at times. I still love it for what it is and what its meant for my life as a gamer.