68 reviews liked by fkingloser

It's fine, not much content here but the story is good, I just felt like it ended very abruptly.

Just an incredible game, a triumph in every aspect. Lots of collectible items and hidden secrets that explain the lore and story further and are fun to discover. It was truly a game ahead of its time.

If you are a fan of the Batman universe, cartoons, comics or you just enjoy action games YOU OWE it to yourself to pick up and play this. It is absolutely fantastic.

It improves and expands on everything Arkham Asylum did. The story is pretty good and the gameplay is much more refined than its predecessor. Arkham City is a good map, though it lacks the atmosphere that Arkham Asylum had, and despite being a prison, it's a beautiful city with distinct districts.

Now, was it really necessary for this game to have 440 Riddler trophies? I don't think so. It's a hassle.

Catwoman DLC is good and while she was fun to play, navigating through Arkham as her wasn't, I really really hate how her quick-time events just slows you down. I do wish we got more sections with Catwoman though.

Harley Quinn's Revenge is good, but nothing too noteworthy, it was cool playing as Robin tho, I do wish we could've seen more of him in the main game.

This sequel was shorter than the first one and had more technical issues too, I don't know what happened in the development of these Remastered versions but things are rough.

There weren't any significant changes in combat between this one and the first game. They did introduce new plasmids which I largely ignored since the same ones from the previous game were enough to get through and finish the game.

They also introduced new enemies such as the Brute and Big Sisters, both of which were massive bullet sponges and were annoying to deal with.

The story wasn't as good as the original game in my opinion, but it had a decent enough plot that kept my attention until the ending.

You can clearly see the developers wrote themselves into a corner, narratively speaking, which is a shame because I feel like Rapture had way more potential for future stories.

I feel like playing the original version of the game would be better than actually playing this remastered version. It's just plagued with technical issues and constant crashes that are not worth the hassle.

that last fight is infuriating

Incredible DLCs for an Incredible game, my only problem is that they are all too short.

The story was actually better than the main game. The gameplay was also fun and I appreciate the addition of a new plasmid and new weapons.

The craziest thing is that this DLC is more stable than the main game, I didn't have one single crash or any technical issues while playing it while BioShock 2 Remastered crashed frequently.

It sucks that this game was so easy and It also feels too short. Cool things happen but they usually last for 30s. At least Peach has her own game now I guess, just wish it was better.

The game itself is bad but then you learn all the stuff that happened on the development and it's a new low.


Thanks Deck Nine for destroying one of the best game franchises.

É tipo LIMBO ou INSIDE só que RUIM.

Sei lá, meio que nada no jogo é bom (Talvez a ideia do começo da narrativa com um clima meio de terror/suspense seja a melhor coisa deste jogo todo mas infelizmente o game se perde rápido). A gameplay do jogo é de longe a parte mais frustrante dele, a ideia em si é muito boa e te empolga, mas a execução é simplesmente terrível.

Além de todos os problemas do jogo em si, os problemas dos controles vão muito além disso, eles são simplesmente inconsistentes demais. Cansei de contar as vezes que eu simplesmente não conseguia guiar o personagem na direção certa, a jogabilidade é toda muito dura.

Pra finalizar o combo negativo o desempenho do jogo é simplesmente BIZONHO, chegando a ter quedas de frames que fazem o áudio ficar picotado e dessincronizado com o game.

"Somerville" tinha tudo para ser um jogo tão bom e tão grande quanto LIMBO e INSIDE, pois seus puzzles são muito interessantes e a ambientação é maravilhosa, mas tudo isso é ofuscado pelos problemas de desempenho e jogabilidade.

Simplesmente parece que o jogo não teve polimento algum.

- Apesar dos pesares os gráficos são bonitos.
- Atmosfera imersiva sem conter dialogo algum.

- Mal otimizado.
- Controles não funcionam direito.
- Conclusão confusa.