haters will ignore the self-indulgent pleasure of choosing DOWN

A decade of ‘scariest game’ propaganda warped my expectations going into this, but I’m happy to report, while not excessively frightening, Amnesia still stands as a solid indie horror entry. What is there to say? It’s a dude waking up in a castle, running from monsters, and reading an abundance of notes type of game. Yet Amnesia makes it work: soaked in a heavy atmosphere, a satisfyingly smooth moveset, wonderful sound design, and scripted scares happening just at the right time make up for a well-crafted experience. It’s fun. Quite enjoyed it. Bet the story is good too if I bothered to properly listen to the voice lines and read the lore.

<- idiot who plays on ps4 thus can’t have tramp stamp leon

naaa na na na nanananaa katamari damacy (duh duhdududu) peace and love on planet earth fun concept fun gameplay fun music fun art direction fun game. giving this 4 out of 5 because my childhood brain distinctively remembers its sequel (we love katamari) is even better, more grandiose, with more unique levels and challenges that i am missing in this game. still a high recommend, keep that katamari rolling baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

man i really appreciate the effort put into this. the polished look, a never-ending to-do list, unlockables and its humor kept me playing for hours on end, which in due time revealed the flawed game design buried deep within its core. not before long this game turns into an endless slog of walking, digging, chopping, building, building, sleeping, waiting, walking, walking, waiting, sleeping, rinse and repeat.

there's always something missing; always something in need to be built so you can build something else which allows you to build another thing which of course needs other buildings to be built so you can build an upgraded version of the building. a new built you might say.

the number grows, but to what end? akin to a pay-to-play mobile game there's no feeling of accomplishment or fun to be had -- all that is left is me stressing over fulfilling a busy checklist instead of enjoying the fruits of my graveyard keeping labor. sad!

watched my wife play this and oh it was so joyous. loved how the parkour elements were refined with each installment, perfectly encapsulating ezio's development as an old hand assassin as well as showcasing his personal growth from a hot headed, horny youngster to a humble messenger, with embers bringing his journey to a satisfying conclusion.

revelations stuck out to me in a way that some sequences don't seem to intersect with each other. the crunch the developers must have gone through publishing these games within a year's timespan becomes visible: while revelations portrays the beautiful city of constantinople ezio's interaction with other characters is kept to a minimum. the story runs flat until it meets a sudden high peak at the end. the city's layout seems a little confused, landmarks don't seem to stick out, and overall it doesn't feel as cohesive as the prior entries - the lack of reusable assets perhaps? thank god the developers got to rest afterwards for ubisoft never made another game

Finally finished all the og Team Silent games, and can safely say this is the weakest one. It’s hardly scary, an abundance of items leaves you feeling invincible, and Yamaoka’s sound just doesn’t hit as hard yet when it comes to accenting bloody, rusty rooms. While I enjoyed the interior level design (especially of optional houses), there's way too little of them. Instead you may visit the boring, long-winded sewers twice. Definitely one of the weakest parts of the game.

Was still fun, though, there's charm to it. Absolutely nothing wrong with swinging around a hammer, unlimited shooting due to the vast amount of gun rounds, and running around like you gotta keep a ball between your knees. Wish they'd be remaking this one.

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Your dad wasn't a hero, wasn't your knight in shining armor. He was a human being. You never knew him, and you never will. The dad walking around in your head isn't even a ghost, he never existed. A frankenstein's monster, a child's fantasy - but you're alive. Your mother is alive. She is not the monster you make her out to be. You need to live your life, Cheryl. #traumacore #mentalillness #crying

on the hunt for one, just one good digimon game and this is not it. this game is slooooooow. slow when it comes to story progression, slow when it comes to battling. hell even trying to change locations will add hours to your run time since loading another 2D screen with cardboard cutouts in front of it is apparently too much to ask for.

giving a point for the acclaimed 'dark twists' in the narrative because when shit goes down it doesnt shy away from going through with it, but by all means it is not worth the damage you inflict on your thumb by skipping forward.

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There’s something so specific about the oversaturation of Persona 5; there is so much spin-off material but they’re all just not that good or lack something inherently satisfying - you just know something is missing from these characters. I blame the lack of Royal influences, and that the new material just doesn’t take the third semester into account.

Strikers is kind of meh, kind of fun. Definitely fun when it comes to hack-n-slaying, but God knows what’s happening on the screen at any point. Fusing personas feels clumsy which is weird because they had the blueprint right there. The music is a cacophony of remixes that did a poor job at switching up the genre of banger songs. It took me 2 years to finally play the last section of the game, and it served as an unfriendly reminder that I don’t like Sophia. I don’t like the confused overlay during battle, and I don’t like the grind of a bossfight against this never-ending, uninspired, cheap Yaldabaoth knock-off.

In the end its strengths lay in the road trip simulator parts. Call me girl gamer but I like the Phantom Thieves getting along. Yusuke was hilarious all the way through and I enjoyed getting to know Haru better. Zenkichi was a nice addition. Joker’s responses are still hilariously dry, Ryuji says the F-word. This easily could have earned 4 stars if there was a cooking mini game.

Wife and I played the Wii version when we were kids and to this day love to quote "Faster, Coraline, faster!" during any task that requires speed. After a nostalgic longplay watch we thought that that game kinda sucks ass, so we decided to put the DS version through a personal test run - it's cute! It's all a game adaptation really has to be.

Game of all time for 22 years which makes me question if I’m able to engage in any criticism of it at all without having to say ‘yeah but’. Coming back after a decade of not actually playing it but delving into thinkpieces and technical quips and atmosphere and what have you, I’m still surprised how immersed I ended up being. I’ve always hated the assumption that James’ suffering boils down to him just being a horny dude, and I’m happy to see the game agrees with me. Silent Hill 2 presents its traumatised cast with such maturity, respect and empathy which you hardly see in contemporary gaming. It chooses a perfect ground between visceral exploitation horror versus vagueness – painting the worst possible nightmare these characters must have endured inside your head and proving your assumptions correct through blood and guts, the endless dark abyss and Baconesque's monster design. It saddens me that I have experienced this game for the first time when I was quite young; characters like Angela hit so much harder the older I get.

Game’s great and to this date still a visual delight when it comes to facial expressions and the cinematic, almost playful use of camera during gameplay as well as within cutscenes. There’s still so many things I still haven’t discovered on my own like the UFO or Dog ending. Maybe it’s time for that now.

First remaster? Amazingly put together. This one? I would love to give this 5 stars, but the buffer screens stutter hard in the switch version, which I do not remember being the case in the original. It really is a small thing, but I miss shooting these letters out of the king's mouth, which is impossible to enjoy now as it cuts away too fast after it struggles to put him on the screen in the first place. It's one thing out of many that added to this game's magnificent charm.

Anyway, everything's bigger, better, funner, more challenging, more colorful now. I can roll a sumo wrestler around town to devour it whole so he can eat a smaller sumo wrestler later on. Of course they both will be burnt to a crisp in order to grace the universe with another beautiful star. My dad tells me I'm quite alright. I love love love this game.

Atlus' most okayest Persona 5 spin-off 👍

Consider your Larrys found.

Short and sweet point-and-click game that can be finished under 30 minutes. As a fan of germfood's rancid art direction I'm always happy to see more of their stuff in action - just look at that sweet box art.

The gameplay loop consists of (you guessed it) finding not-Waldo in a crowd of hundreds of people. Trees and houses and other folk are going to obstruct your view, so you are given the option to spin the 3D environment by 90°, though I'd argue this feature has not been optimised to its full potential as I barely had to use it.

The actual finding portion of the game is not all that hard, but I do appreciate germfood's fun use of gameplay mechanics woven into the narrative, already seen in Night of the Consumers. The unconventional and at times gross aesthetics mixed with a comically absurd overarching plot, gives a unique and entertaining experience. It's a nice change of pace, and the reason why I still love playing small indie games.

For what it is (considering the price as well) it's def worth to check out. I'll find him again.