23 Reviews liked by foneisdead

Everybody has that one like, hour long game that you don't really see anywhere but they're still strangely very attached to. This is mine, I love the Princess Remedy games a shit ton, and I couldn't really go into why. It's cute!

long as you ignore, uh. this. lol

one of the best examples on how to incorporate the mechanics into the narrative

Got softlocked. Never save in the middle of a chase folks.

i rlly like it but i abandoned temporally cause i get scared too much easy :p

i hate this addictive game it dont get 1 star only for neeko existence

when i was a kid it was cool but i played again and its SO MUCH annoying how the camera goes

so interesting and rlly cool artstyle it inspired to me to one day make my own visual novel :3

way to get me crying in less than 10 minutes!


A beautiful game of time, change, and possibly, rebirth.

I like it. Peaceful.

kid named Remedy.
I married a woman at the end amazing.

"I would fuck everything on this screen including the animals and the bicycle" - Princess Remedy, probably

I love her