Hang on I'll write the review in a sec, just checking my watch...


As far as NES games go, this one doesn't even feel like it was even that great at the time it released. Nintendo seems to think its the best game on the system though by how much it gets rereleased.

IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN (insert bad live service game of choice here). NOT HIM. ITS NOT FAAAIIIRRRRRR.

Atleast the title doesn't lie, this game is the pits and theres a couple fighters.

Despite everything, its still Street Fighter II.

Really suprised by this one, didn't expect it to be Street Fighter II.

Running joke with my SFII reviews aside, this feels like the best and most complete version of SFII that I've played so far, and while I wouldn't choose it over Alpha 2/3 or Third Strike its the version of SFII I tend to want to play again the most.

Aside from Rainbow Edition because that ones just funny.

North American NES launch title thats, actually aged really well! Its fun and has two different gameplay modes to play, normal level by level Balloon Fight, aswell as this in 2 player, and the auto-scrolling Balloon Trip. Its overall just a very enjoyable arcade-like game to see how far you can get. I like it, a rare NES game thats aged pretty well in my opinion.

I thought it was cute to see sprites from Zelda and the jumping sound from Super Mario Bros in a game that predates both but this game is just kinda weird and even when I had figured out the basics its just not very interesting to play for me personally.

This is kinda impressive to look at as an early NES title but I also just don't think theres a reason to ever play this over something like SEGA's Super Hang-on. The remix of this game's theme in Melee is really the most memorable thing about it sadly.

I feel like I very much over hyped this game on my part and felt disapointed when it didn't live up to the original trilogy in my eyes, but I enjoyed it for the most part.

Its very obvious that his was Toys For Bob's first time developing a Crash game,a lot of the levels felt way too long and the other character's levels forcing you to replay sometimes more than half of a crash/coco level annoys me. But character and enviromental design wise, I think this is the best the characters and worlds have ever looked in a Crash game, its incredible.

I just wish TFB got another chance to make a Crash game, I feel like a Crash 5 developed by them could have out done this easily, but Activision sent them to the Call Of Duty development dungeon so thats not happening.

A really well made fan recreation of the original Rayman. Sadly I got to a point of feeling bored with this as it felt like it was dragging on a bit and getting frustratingly annoying with some level design aspects but I feel like thats more down to Rayman 1's design as a whole not really feeling that engaging to me personally.

Made me realise what never clicked with Origins for me though: the artstyle and sense of dreamlike wonder of Rayman 1, which makes me think of Tempo on the 32X or Ristar and other games of the mid 90s that carry that same dreamlike wonder in my eyes, feels so much more interesting and just nice to me than Origins' weird style that just always gave me the vibes of one of those forgettable cartoons that were bad even as a kid but you have to wait for something better to be on. Idk tangent aside I thought this was fun in its first half it just starts to feel repetitive and annoying at times.

its a fun platformer. short but I got around 9 hours out of it going for 100% and replaying.

(played Final Mix on 1.5/2.5)

This game feels kinda dated in its gameplay and has some annoying moments but the fun of it overall and the feelings of seeing and being around things like winnie the pooh where I haven't really seen anything about them in over a decade as well as the story itself just hit me harder than I ever expected.

While I think KH2 is a massive improvement gameplay wise I think KH1 has a far better story and vibes over all.

Its Pac-Man with different maze layouts every couple rounds, moving fruit, various legal issues, just a few changes to make it unique to the original. Still have nostalgia for and prefer the original Pac-Man but this is distinct enough to stand on its own and well worth trying out if you can emulate it or find a version of it in an old Namco Museum collection or whatever.