Played this because it came with the N64 I just ordered and I don't have anything else to play on it yet. Its not that great.

I'm probably very biased because the most snowboarding knowledge I have is all from SSX 3 but as far as I know this game is pretty realistic for 1998, and would have been a fun time for snowboarding fans at the time...but for someone who just wanted a fun game and not an aged snowboarding sim I'd say look for other games (like SSX 3, that games cool as hell)

Probably one of the most important games I played in my later childhood, but find it incredibly difficult to get back into now with all the new additions and lack of motivation to do much in it personally. But I have incredibly fond memories of Minecraft through the years, and its something that I'll always attempt to play again every once in a while.

A completely medicore platformer that visually reminds me a lot of Fantasy Zone, released in arcades earlier the same year, but as a side-scrolling platformer released after Super Mario Bros. it falls completely short.

The movement feels overly floaty, the level design feels unmemorable and uninteresting to navigate, the music feels like it endlessly repeats itself and I found it really irritating, and the boss fights being complete random chance with their rock, paper, scissors gimmick feels repetitive and would be 10 times more annoying if not for save states on emulators.

I'd say skip this one, but if your really interested in SEGA's history before Sonic: sure, go for it but I dont think anyone would blame you for for stopping after a couple levels.

A glimpse into a dark timeline where FighterZ was developed by Netherrealm Studios

Hang on I'll write the review in a sec, just checking my watch...

Its Street Fighter II, but now with understandably downgraded visuals, but nice conversions of the music/sound effects to the Mega Drive. Not a bad port at all.

This sure was a demo for the Steam Deck's hardware. Not the most familiar with Portal's lore but I still thought it was fine and had some nice suprises and charm for what is a hardware tech demo.

Really wasn't the first game I tried though so all this did was teach me I had to hold the analog stick for gyro aiming and how to take screenshots.

Unremarkable GBA beat em up that goes through a cutdown version of Dragon Ball from the start to the end of the King Piccolo saga. It looks really nice and can get a little repetetive but the 1v1 fighting game parts are funny.

Don't think I'll be rushing to play this one again but I enjoyed my time with it.

Got 5 hours in and honestly the game felt like it should have ended through most of that time, but learning that I wasnt even halfway done in terms of battery count I just stopped. What charm it had ran out on me quickly and I feel like it would have worked better if the levels were more speed-based challenges rather than larger collectathon worlds.

I don't know though this game really wasn't for me and I probably shouldnt have expected to have liked it as much as any 3D Mario or A Hat In Time.

This game reeks of style from beginning to end. While the gameplay isnt usually my sort of thing and I kind of suck at it I had fun, the music and how everything look elevate this far more than I think the gameplay ever could but, thats okay. This game is more than funky enough to be worth playing.

A fine game, would have been nice had I played this when it released. Playing it for the first time now though its just, a very small game that really doesnt feel like it would have sold many people on the 3DS in its first year.

Seeing Wuhu Island from Wii Fit again is nice but there just isnt much to this in gameplay or style and I lost interest around the Gold missions. Good portable flight game, not really my thing.


music to my ears (my ears hurt)

Its fine. Its Sunset Riders but based on a cartoon I've never heard of prior. If anything most bosses feel like they have too much health and theres nothing all too special about it but its a fine enough Konami licenced arcade game.

This is kinda impressive to look at as an early NES title but I also just don't think theres a reason to ever play this over something like SEGA's Super Hang-on. The remix of this game's theme in Melee is really the most memorable thing about it sadly.

I thought it was cute to see sprites from Zelda and the jumping sound from Super Mario Bros in a game that predates both but this game is just kinda weird and even when I had figured out the basics its just not very interesting to play for me personally.