262 Reviews liked by fuurinrin

Motion blur go brr. Headache go bzz.

The ring is tougher than you'd think and the game enforces a pretty tough and varied workout while allowing you to select the areas you work on and distracting you with health bars. I should play it more often

Enjoyed this a lot more than I expected to, especially considering it's poor reception. Definitely an interesting decision to wedge it between seasons 2 and 4, I'm glad Clementine was still in it but it would've been nice if her story was told separately to this one maybe.

The family dynamic was good though, Javi is no Lee or Clem but he's still a good protag. My biggest issue would have to be with the bias it suffers from, with new players like myself trusting Clem at first sight even though that doesn't really make sense in character. Overall it still stands on its own as a solid game.

I enjoyed Judgment quite a bit but looking back at the Yakuza games I’ve played it feels wrong to put this any less than a star below the average of those. It’s fun but it’s really just not got the same charm and the side stuff and detective elements felt more in the way than entertaining

[Working Review]
Lost Judgment is a lot better than it’s predecessor but sadly it still hits a lot of the same snags. The tailing and chase segments aren’t really improved but the school clubs side quests are much more fun and engaging than what was in the first game.

It’s a shame they’re so unbalanced, with boxing having a load of opponents while dancing only has 4 songs, but it’s still been fun for the most part and only really started to lose me ~60 hours in.

The plot is also improved in my opinion, it’s still not Yakuza level but I care more about this than I did the first game. interested to see how it plays out

I don't remember looadds of this game cause it's been a while but I've played it at least 3 times cause it's good stuff. Finally an open world game where you drive on the left!! :D

At one point I stopped to check the map and a bunch of weird dog-creatures ran past me while snarling and it scared the shit out of me. Very immersive, liked it a lot

I played this with my brother and it was fun enough but defo hit wrong. Will have to play with a cute girl I know and pretend I'm letting her win to be charming...

Definitely the weakest of the trilogy and the structure of the sections takes a minute to get used to but at a certain point it really clicks and makes sense.

Well worth the time if you enjoyed the first two.

The more I think about this game the more I wonder if it’s actually my favourite in the series. Ichiban is a protagonist of the same calibre as Kiryu for sure and the entire feel is just so on point for what it wants to be. It did not feel like 135 hours.
Only gripe is the stupid fucking secret bullshit insanely hard lame dumb ridiculous hidden dungeon that’s stopping me getting the platinum>:(

Every time I died (which was never, obv) and they shouted “Snake! Snaaaaaake!” I’d join in but shout “Jake! Jaaaaake!” And therefore this game rules.

Also for such an old clunky game it was one of the finest gaming experiences I’ve had I think maybe

Of the few Sherlock games I've played this one was my favourite. Still clunky in some ways but the cases were pretty good and the way that you piece clues together was more interesting than in some of the others. Holds your hand quite a lot but plenty of room for a dumbass like me to feel kinda smart

Was really enjoying BOTW until I got to that stupid cave that forces you to roll a ball with motion controls and I got so wound up with it I gave my brother his copy back and never played it again.
(Have since learned you can turn off motion controls, might try again lol)

This was boring, by the last episode or so I was just hitting random options for the sake of the platinum trophy. Did not care.

The only songs I can't do on the hardest difficulty are Camellia's (..the bastard) and quite a few of them I do on the hardest and sped up. Bet I look so awesome.