I feel like it aims for a Yume Nikki kind of experience, but it didn't hit as hard. I liked it nonetheless.

Que gozada de juego. La música, el estilo visual, la gimmick del pincel, la ambientación, está todo muy chulo.

Ni olvido ni perdón. Isla Koholint 1993.

Muchas cosas buenas pero muchas malas decisiones que las joden también

Metroid Prime 2: A Link to the Past

Kind of what I wanted Control to be

Encontré el copypaste de "me cago en todos los muertos de tu árbol genealógico y si me apuras los vivos también..." 📝

Lackluster, sluggish and boring story + annoying gameplay. It has some redeeming qualities and you can feel that deep inside it has some of the DtL essence, but man, I simply don't get why they decided to waste a sequel like this, lacking all the things that gave charm to the previous games, I just hope they don't do this again if they ever do another DtL game (they won't).

Qué wapo ojalá Mexico y Casablanca fuesen reales

It has several flaws, specially on the design aspects, but I don't get why this game gets so much hate.

Nolanada pero si Nolan escribiese bien.

Podría hasta ser una vn decente de no ser por eso