this was fun! the puzzles were pretty easy but it was still enjoyable and subverted my expectations enough to keep me intrigued

very fun detective puzzle game, me and the gf had a great time playing. only a few clues were obtuse and hard to understand and the controls were a little annoying (we played on Switch) but i would recommend. totally itched that Obra Dinn itch

good game

kinda fucked up if you think about it

tried playing it twice and couldn't finish it bc i kept getting motion sick :/

fine gameplay with some super cheesy voice acting and some poor writing. definitely worth playing to unlock the outfit where you can carry a cat in your backpack tho.

good game to play and turn my brain off to

my hot gf and i beat this in a day and it was some of the most fun playing a video game i ever had

if you haven’t played this game, you need to play this game