actually possibly one of the worst things ever.

very different from most of what you'll see from modern FPS games, but i like it for that.

yeah, it's bad. but its also incredibly fun.

actually surprisingly fun. has a different type of charm than vrchat.

i remembered enjoying this, not sure what happened. i feel it's more of me changing than the game, since everyone else really likes the recent updates.


went back to play this remembering it being good... wow, this is dogshit. also, is this a name change? PUBG: Battlegrounds? Playerunknown's Battegrounds: Battlegrounds? really?

one of the best games ever made, possibly the best survival game ever, and easily the best zombie game ever. i really want to come back to it but it is a bit demotivating to restart after losing everything.

the only part of this game thats fun is giving your virus a silly name and giggling at the popups

its like if beat saber wasnt fun

stupid, boring piece of garbage with nothing to do and from what i've seen the only people that like it are complete weirdos.

i mean it does what it says on the box.

i really don't get the hype at all. i have had fun one time in this game ever and it was years ago.