if you like laughing until your sides hurt play this game with your friends

you will never be scrap mechanic...

man i used to play the hell outta this

got bored before we could finish it

please god why please come back god fuck please why why why why why

i love tetris but this game has no players and it's not a very good adaptation

hard to justify playing this for long, the novelty wears off fast. cool concept tho.

the most background game of background games

this shit is the stupidest fun you will ever have.

the most fun part of this game is designing your characters and then you get approximately 30 minutes of actual playing before you realize how boring it is

there is so much downtime in this game it's insane. that being said, some of the most intense and fun moments i've EVER had playing video games have been ship fights in this game. it's worth playing simply for that fact.

this game has some funny moments but there's a lot of time where nothing's really happening unless you really know what's going on.