A fun roguelike with brilliant writing and modern design flourishes to improve the experience.

Really satisfying but requires to much brainpower for me to play when I'm working

brilliant little platformer with some sharp & fun writing between creative levels

Great co-op fun, not sure it'd hold up on it's own

Slightly shonky story & structure aside, the gameplay is incredible.

fun co-op game that struggles to balance it's unique character classes

I love this game so much I got a gunlance tattoo

A 2D crafty base-builder about establishing and running a successful soup startup well enough to destroy the competition.
The game is certainly not perfect but it's charming enough that I find myself returning to it every once in a while.

Charming brilliant 3D platformer full of cute & likeable characters

A really interesting 3rd person shooter with an utterly shite final boss. You'd be as well off playing the free demo on Steam to experience the unique mechanics.

"We have Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective at home"

Paradise Killer is an excellent investigative game with an absolute belter of a soundtrack. 10 hours of meandering a beautiful surreal tropical island, pondering like Columbo as you bounce between a cast of colourful characters, trying to define the truth from all their casual lies and ignorant assumptions while bopping to a synthy 80s soundscape.

Brilliant silly fun in co-op, otherwise maybe don't bother