Not particularly compelling as a game but its a useful decision tool i guess lol

It felt unfinished - the puzzles were interesting and I never felt like the game cheated in that respect, but at the same time I never quite felt that compelled

The game is really let down by the animation - the goofiness of it all really undermines the emotional impact of some of the story beats tbh, plus if you know the passwords and stuff you can beat it in 9 minutes lol

looks interesting and is compelling, unfortunately i am too dumb to play this game

After a point it got too complicated and smart for one as stupid as I but otherwise I was quite partial to it, the mechanics were interesting and more accessible than some of the other games in this vein like SHENZHEN I/O et al

The only game I've played with a truly satisfying "tank the economy" mechanic, A+

played it with some work colleagues the other day, my favourite part of the game was when i won by cheating

its short, compelling, i find myself deleting my save and replaying it when i get ill

felt like a remake of persona 5 proper tbh, the gameplay is fun but the plot is pretty similar if with different characters