An overall improvement from Star Ocean: Till The End of Time. The story is better, for sure. I'd say the characters and their development is mostly better. The environments look pretty nice and the number of different planets you get to visit is a very welcome change. However, the English voice acting is arguably worse than ever before. Also, the 3D character models in cutscenes can look really off-putting, especially Lymle's.

One of the more enjoyable gacha games I've played. Sadly, it was shut down in North America. At least we have a ton of great character artwork and really nice 3D models from this game.

An incredibly fun licensed game, quite the rarity. Not only that, but it's basically Ghostbusters 3. It even has the original actors reprising their roles. It's great.

Pretty janky, but really fun and humorous.
Kelda best girl.

Solo play is pretty lame, but goofing around with friends to complete missions or make your own fun like racing or jousting with motorcycles is a blast. I only recommend it if you have a friend or two to play this with.

The story mode style of gameplay is...interesting and kinda janky, but it's not bad by any means. It's a pretty fun time.

Pretty damn fun shmup; one of my personal favorites. It's very flashy and fun.

Deathsmiles is a REALLY fun, gothic-flavored horizontal-shmup with some killer music and great visuals. It's hands-down one of my all-time favorite shmups, even if I'll likely never get a 1CC on Arcade.

I have a very minor complaint though, in regards to the Steam achievements. They only activate if you're playing the Arcade versions, it can't be Normal or 1.11 versions for achievements UNLESS it specifically mentions one of those versions in the achievement's description. This kind of sucked for me at first because I got quite a few of the character endings while playing the 1.11 versions of both Deathsmiles and Mega Black Label.

It has a pretty cool art style and fun mechanics but somehow feels REALLY damn short compared to other shmups I've played.

I really enjoyed playing this on Xbox 360, but I forgot my account information from all that time ago, so I was unable to recover the account. I can't redownload it anymore, even then, it was also delisted from XBLA as well. Thankfully, it got a re-release on Steam as "Trouble Witches Origin", though I do prefer the artstyle of Neo over Origin.

This is a fun and incredibly adorable shmup that's the definitive release of Trouble Witches Neo. It has 10 total characters (5 in-game, 5 DLC characters) as well as other visual improvements and some game modes while dropping the awful English voice-acting from Neo. It's not a very difficult shmup either.

If you enjoy shmups and cute stuff, you'll be right at home here.

It's pretty all-right and very, very cute. It usually goes on sale for very cheap and is worth it.

An amusing, fan-servicey, on-rails shooter.

Pretty fun and adorable rhythm game!

I feel like this game could've been better. It has some ideas that they seem to just stop short with.