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this is the number one spiderman game. the web-slinging feels so good and fluent and as you progress it gets even better. super fun story where you fight all of the iconic spiderman villains and even super obscure ones that all have their own memorable moments. this game does suffer from typical open world cliches like repetitive side missions and collectibles but [spoilers ahead] something nobody talks about is how all these open world city beat em up type games or whatever always have to a thing towards the end where like this military of super soldiers come and be like the hard end game enemies for the run and its become very cliche it happens in this, it happens in saints row 3, it happens in batman arkham city, and it happens in prototype i know it happens in more too i just can't think of them. theres always the big bad military villain and their army that fucks up the whole open world in the final chapters of the game. i get why it happens but its so annoying and has happened too many times now

this movie was made by a crazy person

this is the single greatest horror game ever made. this is gonna sound so cringe and reddit but this game is so beautiful yet so horrifying. concepts that shake me deeply to my core and yet moments of respite that are so sweet and comforting like coming home from a long day and having an ice cold glass of water. it has a pacing like no other horror game that makes it stand out amongst even the other silent hill games. also one of the best and most relatable protagonists in a silent hill game and not just because she has my name lol but because her dialogue is written so candidly and straight and the actor's performance is so well. maybe I just feel that way when it's compared to the other silent hill games but it's so well done for the tone they try to go for in the game. oh but douglas' actor's performance is kinda laughably bad and the end credit song is goofy as fuck but thats literally the only 2 things that bother me about it and even then i get enjoyment from them. love this game with all of my heart <3

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this game feels so good to play as a stealth game, and an action game. the story is insane with a world that draws you in and makes you want to keep learning more about it. so unique in its presentation and gameplay and story and everything. this is a once in a generation sorta game and it would be a 10 from me if it weren't for the bloated ending cuscenes. I love overly long kojima cutscenes but the end credits are so fucking long with a crazy fill-in-the-blanks epilogue that honestly could have either been cut shorter or made optional somehow. otherwise its the best game of this generation of consoles hands down I don't ever see anything topping it.

weird how much is missing from this game compared to the first 2 in this reboot series. every level is lacking the depth the first 2 had and I hate to say it but the limited exclusivity on epic games store also hindered my experience with this game, but based on its own merit I still think this game is a solid 7 its still great just missing some components that made the first 2 so good. would definitely recommend it if you want more hitman though

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the best hitman game overall and very in depth. the reboot games are about as deep as this one but the paths the player can take in this game are much more integrated and less streamlined in a "take this objective, take this objective, or this objective" sort of way. so many ways the player can explore and complete every level and also the best story of any hitman game in the way it's presented.

if this game didn't withhold content from the player when offline then it would be a 10/10. otherwise one of the greatest stealth games ever made fr