Great continuation of Replicant that built on those themes while also grappling with the consequences of the first game in a profound way. I'm not usually super emotional but the epilogue made me cry just a little bit.

Really impacted me and was my gateway into the lore of this world. Leaves you with so much to think about and what choices we can make in the face of histories and systems so much bigger than us.

The story was aesthetically interesting but thinking back to write this now, I can't even really remember any of the lore that surrounded these big set pieces because I think that's ultimately all they were. I had a good time with it, but probably don't plan on revisiting it any time soon.

It was pretty simple but what it did, it did well and cleanly.

Nostalgia was a big factor in me not minding this game, but it definitely could have offered more a la HeartGold and SoulSilver

I loved this game; the crafting was fun to dive into, the world felt alive even though you could see where the production values weren't incredible, and I thought the story was a thought-provoking exploration of what it means to grow up and inherit the legacy of those that came before you. This was my first Atelier game and I didn't regret it at all.

Dragged a little bit at the end, but gameplay was fun and loved being in control of all the characters/seeing their different special attacks was a treat. For a muso sequel I was pleasantly surprised at how much it felt like a sequel similar to P5S

Everything was set up for me to like this game a lot, but the combat just never clicked with me and so much that added depth was optional such that I had a really lacking experience for me personally. Yuri's cool though

I really liked this game even though/because it was a fever dream from start to finish. Songs weren't half bad either for what they were :p

I didn't hate the art as much as I thought I did at first, the job system was a lot of fun to play around with, but the game really did drag on a bit at the end. Also the counters that some bosses had felt kind of excessive at times.

Quite liked some of the stories and the gameplay was great. They leaned heavily into archetypes and tropes which worked on some stories and others fell really flat for me. Overarching lore was actually pretty interesting.

liking this makes me an 11 year old (allegedly) but I had a lot of fun with it while still acknowledging it could be a lot better

Unironically has altered my brain chemistry and Junpei couldn't have had a better VA to capture his character.

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A classic that really sold me on JRPGs. It's kind to its characters even when facing hardships and has a predictable but still heartwarming story. Act 3 kind of killed some of the love I had for it by erasing a fair bit of character development, but I get why they did what they did.

Got me through a dark time in its embrace of life in the face of death, but also establishes the Persona trend of inexplicably contradictory and tropey writing getting in the way of what would be a really meaningful piece of media without it.