Nicest thing I can say about this game is that
pfps of this make it easy to instantly tell if someones a red flag.

Edit: I didn’t spend money on this garbage by the way, that’d be fucking stupid.

Mashing A and Down-C while a Mario 64 midi soundfont rendition of Beethoven’s 9th is blaring made me feel similar to what Shinji probably felt mentally during Third Impact so that makes this possibly the only true way to adapt Evangelion in the interactive medium.

Every day, a million babies are born in the United States alone. Many of these babies climb out of vaginas. Others, the storks bring them. Some are born out of slime in paradox space thanks to a special video game your mommy used to play. But regardless of how these babies may be born, they all come into the world with a special force...called LOVE. that story.

Vibri is the mascot of my neurological processes.


Some of the most innovative and inspired examples of surrealism in video game history and I will forever stand by that.

Travis Touchdown certainly has a account. What are his 5.0’s like?

Main Game: A fun but easy take on the classic Mario formula, vanilla but great music and invokes that Nintendo DS magic. Not half bad.

Multiplayer: Masterpiece.

As humanity continues to shed blood and fear onto itself, we completely dodge the universal paradise that can be achieved if we all learn just a little bit from Osaka.

I see nothing wrong with sharing thoughts, feelings and opinions online for a piece of art gets published. Perhaps being respectful regarding your thoughts is the best way to go about it, but this is a work of art and a video game that’s in this website’s database. I have confidence in this video game and this artist’s work. I’m especially confident the creator of this video game is confident to share it as such too. Video games exist to serve purposes like this one does.

A magnum opus in envoking mystical atmosphere confidently mastered in it’s Playstation presentation. Possibly even an almost perfect game which captures a specific sort of ethereal wonder that drives my emotions to the point of difficulty to explain what I’m even talking about. It intertwines it’s visual magic and it’s colorful music to a unique dream-like joy that can only be explained by experiencing yourself.

Now, I call this game ‘almost-perfect’ as I immediately get sent back to “playing-a-video-game-in-my-room” reality when I’m playing this to explore it’s environments only to drift off the coded bounds or begin failing the in-game assigned mission while that one unsettling song starts playing. It totally wakes me up from the nostalgic daze I get immersed in. The missions themselves aren’t necessarily that fun and a free roam option would’ve completed this games purpose. I would’ve also been more than happy to see more environments to explore but that’s literally only just want for more of this game I’m so fond of. I am at least grateful for how infinite these landscapes feel despite those classic 90’s video game limitations. I find it easy to daydream about what kind of people live and work in these buildings or what ventures out the bounds of the maps, similar imaginative feelings I get from playing other games from this era such as Spyro the Dragon, and so on and so forth.

I recommend at least trying to experience designing your own hot-air balloon with that gorgeous soundtrack playing alongside and see if you forget about your life’s woes at least for a little bit. This review might come off as a little vague but the point I want to make clear ultimately is my suggestion to look into this one to see if the magic works for you too.

Game is clearly rushed to knock off from the success of Pokemon yeah yeah who cares theres some crazy shit in this game. I love the sprite work and the adventure no matter how much the shitty coding annoyed me sometimes. (Examples being the long loading in the menu selecting and the lack of decent hit-accuracy balancing.) Say what you want but there’s definitely some fun personality (I’d argue even moreso than any mainline Pokemon to be honest.) spliced into the quirks of it’s time. Recommended if you love shitty old games made by weirdos like me.

Looking inside the left side gift box in the Party Room was so cool! I highly recommend playing it to see what’s inside.