7 Reviews liked by hyperjoy

Even in an alternate timeline, Capcom refuses to give us Light/Wily yaoi
What am I fighting for?

An awesome thing that is awesome

Fuck all the Siegfraud fanboys who begged Namco to reset the timeline because they couldn’t handle a protag as goated as Patrokalos was

What ruins the game for me is the battle system. I just don't like it. And the game play overall doesn't feel like anything special. Story and characters are also pretty cringe. Good soundtrack though.

What is often considered one of the best games or even best Zelda games ever made...and I just don't like it. World and dungeon exploration aren't really that fun. Don't even find charm in the 16-bit graphics. A Link to the Past is a game I just see isn't really special anymore. It may started the Zelda formula we all know and love. But it's been improved upon and made even better in every subsequently game since.

Tales of Arise? More like Tales of Arises to disappointment. This a good game but it wasn't as good as I hoping it to be. Tales of Arise is the best reviewed game on Metacritic since Symphonia. And since Symphonia is my favorite Tales game. Needless to say that got me excited but unfortunately the game kinda falls kinda flat to me.

On the positive side I think this game has the best combat in the entire series. It feels like a more modern version of the older games. While throwing away some of the trash idea's from Berseria's combat. It's really fun without feeling too button mashy or mindless. I also do feel like the dungeon design is a bit of improvement from Berseria, Zestiria, and the Xillia games. Graphically this game is really pretty with wonderful detailed environments. The game is also smooth. It just feels great move around in.

The problem for me when it comes to this game is the story, characters, and music. Motoi Sakuraba comes back again yet again doing yet another bland and forgettable OST...Go Shiina where did you go :(

The cast sucks. The only character I like is Rinwell. The rest I find bland and boring. There just not interesting. I feel like they lack the humorous bantering and bickering of past Tales games. Lacking in fun chemistry. The cast falls apart when compared to past Tales games. Like I may like Rinwell but she's literally just worse Rita. Shionne I find to be a pretty boring main girl especially coming off of Berseria which had Velvet. But even in comparison other Tales main girls like say Colette, Chloe, Milla, Mint, or Tear...she just sucks. I don't see how Kisara is any more interesting than other "mother" like Tales character like Raine. Law being voice Bryce Papenbrook you can exactly guess what kinda character he is. So annoying. Tales games don't usually have a good track record of great main characters but like Alphen is even more bland and more boring than usual. Again compared to main characters like Lloyd, Luke, or Yuri. And he's just not as interesting. And Dohalim is just there. I honestly can't think of much to say about him. I also just don't care much of the character design of the cast.
Kousuke Fujishima where did you go... :( Anyway the point is I find the cast to be easily one the weakest in the entire series. I honestly like Zestiria cast more than this game. Tales of Arise has great voice acting though Probably some the best in the series.

The story is probably the weakest part for me. I just think it takes itself way to seriously lacking much in lighthearted moments. Not only that but plot itself just isn't all that interesting. It's like a worse version of Eternia. Ok so you take that plot line from Eternia where theirs Celestia and Inferia and they kinda hate each with years of resentment. And then crank up the seriousness for some reason and also make it the only plot point. Then add a dumb twist at the end that comes outta no where in a boring exposition dump fashion. The plot is "fine" at best and no where near as good as past entries like Symphonia or Abyss.

I want to be clear. I actually like the game. I still had a lot of fun playing it. But when I'm given the expectation this is one the best entries in the series...you know I want to like it as much the other best entries in the series. It's a good game on it's own. But I don't see it as one of the best Tales games in the series. It's game play sure. But it's story and cast drag it way down for me. Because of that I can't in good conscious give this game a higher rating than like a 7.5. rating.

Zappy! My pumpkin seed. This game is fire...emblem. I'd say it was better than Three Houses at least for me. Fire Emblem Engage is an engaging game. The tone and story of telling of the game is akin to that of a Saturday morning anime while corny I don't mind the tone change and found the story pretty engaging. Not like the series is known for great story telling anyway so I don't mind. The characters are also pretty engaging it took me a bit to get used the new art style but I think there are some great unit's in here like best girl Yunaka, or other likeable characters like Panette and Rosado. Unfortunately though the game lacks a marriage system so the characters can't get engaged as far as I'm aware only the Alear can.

Anyway I think the gameplay and map design is some of the best in the series it's consistently fun and engaging and I enjoyed the fan service and call backs to past entries with the paralouge's some great remixes too! Graphically this also up there as one the best looking Switch games.It's engaging to look at and it runs great a huge upgrade from the muted visuals and inconsistent frame rate of Three Houses. After playing games like Pokemon Scarlet it's nice to be reminded that the Switch IS capable of decent looking games.

I can see why Three Houses fans hate the game. It's a Fire Emblem game. It's probably the most Fire Emblem game that ever Fire Emblem-ed. Making it extremely rewarding for hardcore fans that played most or all the entries. But maybe not as enjoyable if you're new to the series. While Persona elements found Three Houses are either gone or toned down to be optional.

The game does starts off a little slow but I think starting from chapter 10 the game gets really engaging and really fun. Overall I'd say this easily one of the best entries in the series top 5 at at least and also probably one of the best games you can currently play on the Switch. Hiya Papiya.