124 Reviews liked by i_v

Had an experience with this I've been internally referring to as "scratch and sniff gaming" in which I play a game with immaculate vibes just long enough for it to swallow me whole, but slamming the eject button before I get too irritable with actually playing it. I have successfully created an Imagination Polyhedron in my brain containing idealized projections of what the latter 3/4s of Vagrant Story could potentially look like. Playing any more comes with the risk of Vagrant Story becoming "known", the worst thing that can happen to a game with such an unlimited, mysterious potential.

Umineko fans finally have their Black Panther

This game is legitimately the biggest roast of all time. The people who made this game put out a bounty that stated if someone could flawlessly recreate the Lee Harvey Oswald shots they would win a massive cash award… the person with the closest shots couldn’t even get 50% accuracy… that is AWESOME. This game is kinda goofy, a little sadistic, but 100% one of the biggest hits on the CIA’s dignity ever and I love that.


myhouse.wad has reached that point where its reputation precedes it. There's no surprise factor it can rely upon.

So the ingenuity of design at work here really speaks for itself. myhouse.wad is a madcap backrooms horror piece, wrapped in the most 90s packaging possible (a doom level). It has an eloquence that many indie horror attempts do not possess.

I was part of a focus group for the GameCube version of Super Paper Mario. The game was so bad that every other person who played it died painfully, causing Nintendo to delay the game and move it to the Wii so that the necessary fixes could be made. I am the sole survivor of the GameCube Super Paper Mario Massacre.

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Fuck this stupid ass p2w garbage ass mako tsunami lookin ass i spent 40 dollars to try to get a nekroz core and didnt get it ass 200 dollars for a playset of book of moon ass game

what conservatives don't want you to know is that by undergoing a gender transition you can consume spirit gems to slow down and absorb enemy bullets

The OG Spyro trilogy struggles again to expand the formula that was already tired and played out by the end of the first game. Instead of expanding Spyro's moveset to allow the designers to stretch their legs from the rigid gameplay, this game is instead filled to the brim with gimmicky missions and alternate gameplay styles. And I will say, some of the other playable characters are pretty fun to play. I like flying around with the Penguin, and the Kangaroo's high jump adds platforming unseen elsewhere in these games. But unfortunately these additions aren't given adequate focus. They're just one of many short, isolated distractions put in as a desperate attempt to add variety to the game instead of actually putting any work into the core mechanics still unchanged from the first game.

This is the longest game in the trilogy and still Spyro himself has been given zero growth mechanically speaking. By hour 25+ of playing these 3 games back to back, my mind is just mush. Head bash armored enemies, flame everything else, slowly float around. Instead of a bunch of half baked minigames I'd have really rathered they put some time into adding meaningful changes to the formula. But their only goal with this series seemed to be to make each game a few hours longer than the last.

Played through the entire game (with quarters!) Back in the late 90s as an 8 year old, myself, a fellow 3rd grade friend, and two of our summer camp junior counselors played through this game all the way at the arcade, rotating 2-and-2 when we died...one of those epic memories where I have to give 5 stars for the special place in my heart.

This was the first game where I realised as an 8 year old child that yes, games can be shit.

What is the difference between an AI's capricious torturer scenarios and the Old Testament?

Time is a closed circle, we use technology to dream up new ways to make our sins relevant through eternal damnation or simulation.

Not me though, I'm built different. I looked up the good ending in a walkthrough.


This was my first pokemon game. I kept my Pikachu unevolved for the entire game, and I never took him off my team. Then, one day, after having put like 100 hours into the game and having gotten my Pikachu to like level 96, I finally decided to evolve him. I lost my cartridge the very next day. Karma.