124 Reviews liked by i_v

"You should kill yourself" is a weak threat

"I hope your favorite anime is turned into an arena fighter" is real. It's palpable. It's scary.

Wanted: Dead is not that weird, a lot of popular games have just become too buttoned down.

W:D works in that margin of utterly compelling amateur game efforts. They have a handful of genre and story ideas that they're ready to follow to the grave, but the rest is up in the air. Will the next cutscene be in-engine or will it be anime? What annoying rhythm minigame will be featured in between the next mission? Why is there a jukebox of obscure European covers of old pop songs?

It's a damn videogame. You can do whatever you want. Without blanching at the audacity of games to be absurd, there's not much left to criticize here. The story is a properly bloody wink wink quick shot of violent adrenaline, the action is snappy fun and rewarding. I just wanted: more of it.

Without Canada, we wouldn't have Nirvanna the Band the Show, Nathan Fielder, and Wolf Parade, so I'll let this one dud slide.

This is the League Of Legends of 40 year old's

Every match is either bots or russians.

Two entities with whom I share no sense of connection or relatability towards.

All the other GAY LUIGI with the pumped up SPAGHETTI
You better run, better run outrun my DINNER

Finally someone made a game based off the battles I face every day in life.

i hope i get more followers from this review... maya has a lot of followers. more followers than i have.

she's so pure. And i... i don't deserve followers.

I hope ArcSys gets bought by Epic Games and the remaining devs have to work on anime Fortnite pvp box fight maps for the rest of time

boo hoo depression game just pick up a fucking football

This texture pack makes the game look as good as you thought it did if you grew up young playing this back in the 2000s!

A full decade of love and care was put into actually sourcing textures across Spain by Albert Marin and Cris Morales!

I myself started following this project from it's 2011-2012 inception, and it being brought to fruition in 2022 was worth celebrating!

I'm surprised that backloggd included it within their materials for review, as it is a texture mod but honestly, RE4HD Project deserves recognition.

Did you know? It's well documented that first lady Hillary Clinton was an avid player of the Game Boy during her husband's presidency. However, what isn't as well documented is how she loved the handheld system so much that she bought two of them to give to George Bush and Dick Cheney before their inauguration as a symbol of goodwill among the two parties. Bush and Cheney reportedly loved Metroid II in particular so much that the game's plot about the Galactic Federation making up some bullshit about dangerous weapons and sending Samus to SR388 was what inspired the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

You don’t have to agree with Peter Griffin but the mob can’t make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don't agree with everything anyone does. That's what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.

This is what life is. The duck. Pool. No game play only duck. “I want gameplay” this is good. You are whiny duck control by the Joe Biden duck. What happened in 2001. Where were you during 9/11? Exactly. These ducks don’t ask such silly questions. They do not buckle to control or mental enslavement like characters such as Mario. We watch as they burn. They spew. They sink. They maim. It is so incomplete. I hate it. It reflects the very nature of our world. Though our realities may differ, our hearts beat as one. This taught me as such. I learnt a lot about free will and authoritarianism today. I scrame at my duck and felt bad at first when it was slow but I get it now.

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