10 Reviews liked by icedmasala

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i laughed so fucking hard when the pig turned into a porkchop



Main reason why passion and talent should be rewarded more than marketing with a somewhat lazy game behind it

You guys spent $70 on Bad Piggies



In my first review, i havent gave justice to this ovni of a video game, and i will try to do a better job of reviewing it

This game isnt really a game...but more like a visual and music spectacle, in which you control a program infiltrating a virus before killing his core...i know, it sound super simple, and thats because the gameplay is simple: its a railshooter where you hace two kind of weapon: your traditional laser, that will receive upgrade once you hit enough blue orb, and will need you to lock manually on a enemy to hit him, and a overdrive, that Can be activited only if you hit the red orb, and that will lock and shoot at all enemy automaticelly.

Yeah, the game, despite having rly great boss fight doesnt shine with the gameplay...but with the aesthetic ! You are just navigating in this virtual World, super simple and yet full of detail, and its just...mesmerising. couple with the very atmospheric and incredible music, it immerge you to this world like no other game

Because, despite being more a visual spectacle than a game, it wouldnt be the same if it was just a shortfilm, because the interactivity just add in the immersion and sense of wonder (also i love the fact that the lock on sound effect is a percussion one...its just so good for the atmosphere

Idk men, my review is a mess because...i dont have word to describe this...experience

I already really liked this game before...but now? Its just phenomenal

Btw, i kinda lie for the simple story....i will let you play area 5

run that shit back.

epitome of 'slicing and dicing' - fast-paced samurai gameplay that keeps you on your toes at all times. plus, a literal slow down time mechanic to take a breather while you plan your next course of action into slaughter. im beginning to understand these one-hit kill games are the way to go. super addictive and fun.

VHS + cyberpunk aesthetics to create this incredibly immersive atmosphere that's full of personality even to the littlest of characters that inhabit it (desk lady!). a non-linear and abstract approach to storytelling feels insufficient at times, however, i feel it gives a unique dynamic to this. the lack of explicit information allows our minds to dig deeper for the answers. also, it's more successful in world-building with this style; providing pinches of information that lead the player with curiosity down the rabbit-hole of zero's past, all through beautiful environments of 80s neon cyberpunk.

finishing at around five hours long, my only complaint would be that i want more of this; more of this cast, more of this world, more enemies and gameplay!

Glad this game turned out genuinely bad so that the hate-buyers have to do the gaming equivalent of chewing on gravel and pretending they love it.



This game's story was not for me but that doesn't take away from every detail being masterfully crafted. There's always something new to see and the experience of gaming plays out like you're watching a movie. Character designs are fun and poppy as well as a crowd-pleasing spin on mythological figures we all know we'll (but with enough obscure deities to feel like a new experience) and the voice acting in this game is phenomenal. Also Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos for life.

This was a really good DLC, it didn't change anything, it just made it better. It offers new content and new weapons. just what the game needed. Really enjoyable bosses but I will admit it was quite easy for me as I was level 132 and was carrying a 9+ Blades of mercy and 10+ Ludwig's Holy Blade. Though some boss fights were easy like Maria it was still unique fighting against them. The one boss I probably struggled on was embarrassingly Living failures. I will admit the Orphan of Kos was annoying but it was one of the better boss fights. The best boss fight for me was probably Ludwig as the music was just beautiful and the stages were just so intense.

This VN made me trans fuck you Ryukishi you little shit I’m going to come over and show you what a real witch can look like



best supergiant game to date, also the gayest? coincidence? bastion still has a better soundtrack tho