Much better on a replay with RT enabled and after having chugged all of alan wake.


Play in Raze source port nowadays.
Right up there with Plutonia for quality all the way through

Good release after patches, better to play in Raze Sourceport now. Atari are jerks and won't let Nightdive finish

Satire is dead, did it think it was gonna live forever?

What once was terrible is now great.

Good game, furries can make a jump feel good.

Needs a damn map

Incredible Art.

Wish it was less Dark Souls, more Metroid

Homeworld 1 is great with the Players Patch.

Wish this was more boomshooter than Doom2016, still cool

Good mod with consistently great missions

Best Stealth Game of All Time

Goated, not finished but mods are incredible