Just play New Vegas, nigga. (again)

She broke up with me so I didn't get to finish the game...

Everyone's main complaint about the game is about how it's "woke" and "political" when the entire premise of the game is about fleeing back to Mexico in a post-Trump USA after your father becomes a police brutality victim... like why did you even boot up the game at that point...?

"I gave you everything, Balduran... and you repaid me in slaughter. It is time I return the favor."

DD2 is so good when you ain't got a bitch in your ear telling you the first one is better.

It's quite literally just a copy and paste of the last game (with less content lmao).

The story isn't anything special so I don't know why the game got a 2014 Remaster plus a 2022 Remake (and now an HBO show). However, I still had a pretty solid experience (even with all of the bugs, crashes, and blue screens) and I honestly wouldn't have played it at all if this version didn't come out so I guess it's fine.

If you plan on buying and playing the game on PC, I recommend waiting until all of the issues with the port get patched.

"I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame. I will carry the fire of the holy spirit inside until I stand before my Lord for judgment."