$70 DLC. I think it's worth the price tag in that there's TONS of new stuff, but it really is only an evolution of BotW. I played through BotW 3-4 times and maybe burned myself out on it a bit, so towards the end of this one I have to admit I was a bit over it. I'm sure it feels amazing to a newcomer though.

short but fun, gf was scared of the creature so now i make fun of her saying she's scared of black people

My favorite game of all time. Even as I age into my 20s, coming up on my 9th and 10th playthroughs and beyond, I find new ways to enjoy it even more. These days I'm doing rocket science figuring out the best badge combinations as I progress through the story. I still haven't dove into all of Zess T.'s cooking recipes.

Base gameplay loop is exceptionally fun, and each chapter is oozing with variety and charm. The characters are loveable and endearing, and the story is the perfect "all ages" tale- dark enough not to be superficial, with enough levity and humor not to be depressing or boring.

This is even a favorite where I have a hard time thinking of legitimate flaws. The Admiral Bobby chase might be one, but honestly I really enjoy backtracking through all those old areas with new abilities (metroidvania fan exposed).

It's a 10/10 for me.

This would be objectively the worst 3D Mario of them all, but the pachinko level elevates it to 10/10 masterpiece territory. My 2nd favorite game of all time.

Honestly I might be most impressed with the whole backstory behind the apocalypse. Such interesting details. Really cool to slowly discover it all as I played through the story. And, of course, this is by far the most beautiful looking game I've played to date.

I've been playing smash competitively since 2015 or so. Ultimate is one of my favorite games ever, but I slowly ended up dropping it and haven't played at all in maybe a year now. For how ambitious and exciting of a game it is, a lot of factors ended up putting me off eventually.

- inherently pretty campy
- lack of advanced/micro movement options
- little to no viable edgeguarding
- poor buffer system, feels "sticky" (especially platforms)
- high base input delay, even offline
- poor online rules setup and no built-in rankings
- delay-based netcode makes online performance borderline unusable

Although... in the end I bet the kicker was because none of my irl friends really played it with me. I still keep up with the competitive scene and twitter smash friends here and there though. Love you smash! #zsssux