19 Reviews liked by irmin

Bem legal, as mecânicas são excelentes para época, mas o próximo jogo da franquia melhora muito, sério, muito. Mas a trilha sonora é fabulosa, é do caralho

Um jogo de Yugioh com as regras reais,isso era tão raro,passei incontaveis horas aqui,o unico defeito é q envelheceu mal devido a ser lento e poucas cartas se comparado com as sequencias

one half of metroidvania. also hot vampires

O pai dos metroidvanias, não tem com não ser bom

The game is pretty much every bit of the classic it's made out to be. Aesthetically the game hits on all fronts and it plays well too. Only real issues is it's a tad too short and it tries to make up for it with the inverted castle gimmick and I couldn't be arsed to will my way through it. I also found that by the end of the game it's too easy to be overpowered if you bother to do any exploring and you can fart through most areas with relative ease. I killed the fake final boss in four attacks which is probably the point but also felt like the culmination of my experience with the last couple of areas of the game. None of this matters though because you get to hit giant ghost books with nunchaku.

The sense of progression is very satisfying until you hit Richter, where things are then ruined by needing to do a bunch of specific obscure shit to access the second half of the game. It got me back on board at that point by being pure combat 'till the end, which was great because I was really regretting not being able to explore what was clearly a deep and good-feeling combat system.

There's a lot of little annoyances and flaws which keep this from being truly great. The genre has moved far beyond SotN, and for good reason. That said, I can't deny the super fun gothic cheese here.

O inicio do gamer é filler, isso sim é naruto de verdade kkkkkkkk

Minhas tardes e noites de sábado de 2008

Eu nunca assisti naruto, nem sou fã, mas não nego que esse é um dos melhores jogos de luta, eu lembro até hoje que eu assistia vídeos de como desbloquear tal personagem

this is the type of game you play once in mame beating it within an hour with a complete lack of the usual consequences an arcade game would give you and you think it is extremely cool but you don't look back at it for at least a year.

uma puta evolução dos jogos ruby/saphire. (só joguei o ruby nunca joguei o saphire)

classico, grande fonte das hack rooms