6 reviews liked by jalarky

I've never felt so in control of an onscreen avatar and yet so utterly out of control. The physics which the game's mechanics fundamentally depend on feel so incredibly random, and yet weirdly consistent? To master the game is to develop an intuition for how and when the physics will screw up and fling your character in a strangely predictable way. It's almost like you're using the game's glitchiness to overcome its own shoddy construction.

And yet it all feels so intentional, like it was meant to feel stupid, such that only the truly deranged could appreciate its exceptional game design. The obstacles seem impossible to overcome at first and yet, after throwing yourself at them over and over, you find that they are actually rigorously playtested tests of dexterity that provide specific challenges so that the player would be forced to intuitively master impossibly subtle mechanics to overcome them. Every tree branch that blocks your path begs you to hook your hammer in and climb it. Every jutting piece of rock that seems just out of reach taunts you, almost as if saying "Bet you wish you could jump, huh? Well...have you tried?" The simple placement of the terrain provides such a natural tutorialization of the game's unique and inspired mechanics that is nothing short of masterful.

An important question to ask, though, is now that I've completed the game, would I play it again? Hell no. This game is a nightmare to play. It's incredibly glitchy and chaotic and an incredible test of patience. I can't tell you how many tens of times my hammer fell through a length of rope for seemingly no reason. Or how many hundreds of times I tried to hook my hammer into a piece of rock after "jumping" into it, only for the tip of the hammer to read my movements as a "thrust" and fling me directly in the other direction. It also doesn't help that the game doesn't even lock your mouse to the window, so if you accidentally move your mouse away into a second monitor, you lose all control of your hammer until you realize what happened and move it back in, making it a rare case where a dual monitor set-up is actually a disadvantage. Nevertheless, while playing the game does let you recognize the genius of the design, I really would rather do literally anything else than play this game ever again. I'm certainly glad I played it all the way through once, but from now on, keep this thing the hell away from me.

Nonogram.com is essentially just Picross. While a mobile phone version of a Picross game would be quite fun, this game unfortunately fails in many areas. For one, all of the puzzles are just too easy, making them all so short. Not only are they short, but what squares you fill in often feels irrelevant when the picture is colored in. Since this is a mobile game, this game of course features an abundance of ads, however they are after almost every single puzzle, putting any fun in the already short puzzles to a halt. One interesting thing about this game however is the daily puzzles, with a unique new puzzle for each day of the year; This is what kept me playing for the most part. If the puzzles were harder and there were less ads this game may be worth your time. There is of course the option to pay 5 dollars to have no ads, but for how uninteresting the puzzles are you're far better off playing a different game of this style.

Minutes of fun for the whole family!

I'm a little bit tired of the gimmick of "ooh, we know we're a video game isn't that creeeeepyyyy" but as an earlier example of the subgenre, this game does decently well. There are plenty of fun or interesting puzzles to work with especially the late game battle against Asmodeus, but the actual pony island game part of the game is pretty much complete filler that the game seems convinced we are mainly there for especially considering the big finale is an extended portion of it. It doubles the length of a game that could easily be an hour and uncomplicatedly good. There is also the consistent issue of Daniel Mullins games using so many words and so many layers of secret arg stuff to simply say "it is a game that is scary and would like to take your soul". Ultimately though, if you catch it on sale and would like another hit of inscryption, it works a bit in the same way that the worst part of a watermelon tastes like the best part of a cucumber but both are satisfying to consume.

This romhack has some features and overall region direction that would put it in the upper tier of Pokemon romhacks ever if it wasn't the most reddit fucking thing on the planet. Like, even during early stages of this romhack's development, the humor felt decrepit. It isn't even a thing I can suggest you play through and just ignore the unfunny parts, because so much of this game's design is baked into "isn't rickrolling someone funny?"

People have complained that it's offensive and in bad taste, and they're right to do so. I also like Deadly Premonition 2, and that game makes JK Rowling look like Leslie Feinberg. If it's funny, I'll bite. None of the jokes in this humorous romhack land. There isn't a "Oh, if they just went back to the drawing board, this might not have been a total shitshow", because that would imply a 2016 /vp/ could come up with a better bit than "what if we replaced the gym leader's battle theme with sandstorm". So much collective effort and time went into a project that probably never stood a chance.

Of the deluge of NSFW games on steam, a very small subset that I've been happy about is the increased frequency of furry focused games. I think that furlough is one of the few that makes these lower effort puzzle games that are worthwhile to play, as there's a sincerity and a true understanding of the fandom at play, along with a very simple but still palatable and fun puzzle game. Others I've seen don't contain the same ethos or care shining through the decent but not incredible art, some being downright offensive or shock focused to generate clicks. Whether aiming at the over reported wealth of furries or from a misguided furry, they are repellant to me.

This is probably the least interesting of the 6 that have come out, played by numbers, softened difficulty, and the same uneven art in the others, and less bonuses or engaging stories, but despite this I do like it and will always have a soft spot for me, even if this one didn't quite measure to the others

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