it's like I played 15 different genres in one game and yet I still couldn't tell you what it was about

was that the bite of '87??????

Playstation add this back to your store rn pls

"I solemnly swear to tap that at the earliest opportunity" -Johnny Cage, age 29

I think about the euphoria that came with playing the Citadel DLC for the first time everyday

Turnabout Big Top was one of the worst gaming experience I've ever had but Farewell, My Turnabout makes up for all of it. Miles Edgeworth, I love you.

1. Farewell, My Turnabout
2. Reunion, and Turnabout
3. Turnabout Big Top
4. The Lost Turnabout

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Sam a hoe for that

the writing in this game is lowkey ass but it's alright because I had fun


Cayde-6 if you can hear us, please Cayde-6 please save me. Please save me Cayde-6, Please, I'm asking you.

Samantha, Michael, and Emily CARRIED.

Bigby Wolf you will always be famous