never play this game in college, it WILL break you.

might be the most underrated game of all time, Rhys x Sasha 4 life

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loved the part when Sonic The Hedgehog was murdered

I hate Pierre. His prices suck and I could treat his wife better than he ever could. Him, Marnie, Pam, Demetrius, Clint, and Mayor Lewis better count their days.

i already "befriended" your mom last night

the first trial's twist was so good but god this game is hard to sit through

do i know your dad? yeah, I "befriended" him too.

Finished Leon. Will finish Claire.

The trials are so good but the inconsistent character writing, overly convenient plot points, and just unnecessarily vulgar dialogue is what holds it back. This can be said for all the games but this is where it all starts.

Ethan Winters better than me I wouldn't have pulled up at all

Don't play this game if you're not interested in your whole worldview shattering forever.