Could have been so much fun with a handful of basic changes, but ultimately disappoints despite having a bunch of cool ideas and great style. Like, why can't I jump or dive and shoot at the same time??

Imcredibly fun rhythm game with a unique art style, story, and characters. I am surprised how well this holds up, and my main complaints are it is not long enough, and some strange issues I was having where notes would not register as on-time when they were. Like honestly we really don't get games like this anymore. Great.

Decently fun Splatoon rip off. Enjoyable with friends.

Great pixel art unfortunately wasted on a game that plays like shite. Sad!

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This is a really tough one to rate. On one hand, the story is engaging and I really appreciate all the unique ways it is told throughout, and on the other hand there are some glaring flaws that ultimately had a somewhat negative impact on my immersion, without ruining it outright. Here are just some of my scattered thoughts on this wild ride of a game.

- Love when something in-game causes something else to happen on your computer or outside the parameters of the game window, such as opening up tabs, launching videos and even downloads, and even going as far as to send you a friend request on the Epic Game Store. Original, and honestly pretty terrifying.

- Forces you to lose mini games in order to progress the story, which I thought was cool.

- Scares run the gamut from simple atmospheric horror, to over-the-top jump scares. It's all over the place, and I love that.

- Use of the otherwise empty black bars on the sides of the screen is really creative and spooky.

But there are some downsides.

- Platforming can be annoying at times, especially wall jumping. Needs a little more polish.

- Most of the gameplay is more or less finding passcodes and inputting them correctly to progress, yet some of the solutions to these are SUPER convoluted (which I guess is the point, but ruins momentum).

- Probably my biggest gripe comes in the later layers of the game, when you are tasked with outmaneuvering and sneaking by the monsters. What starts as a genuinely creepy part loses its charm when hiding from the monsters, which can be for MINUTES at a time in one spot. Like I'll hide in a tube and wait for them to disappear which can literally take up to 5 minutes. Makes my mentality go from "oh this is scary, let me avoid them" to "I don't care if I get jump-scared I just want to progress." Really this can be fixed to be slightly more forgiving for a better overall experience.

Overall, despite these flaws, I would recommend this for anyone interested in a horror game that takes an unusual approach to storytelling.

An incredible remake. Looks gorgeous, plays great, nothing to complain about. Pretty much exactly what I would have wanted out of this.

Couldn't really get into this NFS. Something about the cars feels off, and I often have trouble catching up in races where I normally wouldn't. Also while I did like the bright art styles for the car effects, the character models felt weirdly out of place. I don't know, this one isn't for me.

I liked the art style, but the game needs some more depth. Just trading in the likes on your photos for some powerups or something could be cool. Not the absolute worst as the atmosphere is nice, but I couldn't play it for more than like five minutes.

Dumb, straightforward, no-nonsense God of War ripoff about a vampire hunting cowboy. I had a blast, even if the narrative is all over the place. There's a steady stream of upgrades and new weapons to keep you playing, and certain combat moments can get really tense. Loads of fun, if you accept it for what it is.

Arguably my favorite shmup/bullet hell game. Great art style and music. A nice variety of ships. The vaunt system is a unique way to approach the game as well. I have a really soft spot for this game and it shows - definitely worth your time.

Level design could use some variety and that camera was a bit frustrating at times, but overall I would say few games come close to making you feel like a badass as easily and fluidly as this one. One of my new top action games, just a blast all around.

Fun pixel art and cute vibe, but I could tell right away I could only play one run of this. It was fun, but for me personally I don't see myself trying to master all the minute aspects that I would have to master in order to escape the underworld. I also lost my run, which was going into hole 14 with like 30 shots left, due to a glitch so... that didn't feel great.


Except for certain segments which feel a bit drawn out, this is a beautiful and moving RPG with a unique art style (in combat specifically) that kept me interested throughout. In a genre where I tend to lose interest mid-game, this did not feel like a slog, and the pacing (up until those drawn out parts I mentioned) is pretty much perfect. The world is full of colorful characters and vibrant landscapes, and while I personally would not revisit it too soon, I can see how others would.