Fun little game with a cute art style and quirky storytelling. Not too in depth gameplay wise, but the world and the art style kept me into it throughout.

As usual for a WarioWare game, it is quite chaotic but also very fun. My main issue is that while having a variety of different characters with different playstyles is fun, it brings an inconsistency that cannot be avoided. Some minigames are made for characters, while some are nearly impossible for others, making the option to play as all characters unappealing. If this were somehow balanced or fixed, it would be among the best Wario Ware games - I still very much enjoyed it though.

It's Call of Duty, so you know what to expect, but the multiplayer doesn't feel as oppressive as Black Ops III. I am actually able to hold my own and not get one-shotted. I do dislike the idea that the better you do, the more oppressive weaponry and effects you have access to, but overall it is a good, mindless game that is exactly what one would imagine it be like. It's Call of Duty.

Interesting concept - I like the idea of sharing stories and seeing them develop and change over time. The main gameplay itself leaves a bit to be desired, but overall I enjoyed it and loved the aesthetic. It's a bit slow at times, but like I said the concept is on point and I had enjoyed it.

Decent atmosphere and some genuinely scary moments, but overall found myself getting lost way too often. I mean, that is the premise of the game, but while that can translate itself well to a visual medium if done correctly (I love the movie), when your premise is wandering with no/few goals there is no real way to make that into an amazing game. Like the idea, like the dog, flawed execution.

Fun Pinball game, wish there was more than one board. Had a great time playing it overall!

It's Mario, it's the classic, feels a little rough at least on Switch, but overall I mean, it's Mario.

A classic - perhaps the best old-school mario. Brings me back to old times and still plays amazingly. Not much more to say. Played on Switch.

Fun little side-scroller, love the dodging bullets mechanic, could have more going for it but I enjoyed my time with it.

Cute art style but the game is not for me

Genuinely fun, if not too difficult at time. Love the different items and stuff, but I often found myself getting lost in the levels - but when the game fires it fires hard, and gives you an immense feeling of satisfaction. Found myself playing on repeat for hours at a time. Great roguelike.

A fun little farming game I can get lost into for long periods of time, but it is far from perfect. It can be a little hard to navigate, and going back to the main screen every time you die can be annoying, but overall I had a great time with it. Could use more storage space though. I had a really fun time overall playing this.

A decently fun roguelike that kept me satisfied for a good bit of time. Difficulty is a little wild and can be very punishing to the player, but I enjoyed it overall. Love the different little creatures and eggs you can get to work by your side.

Truly a fantastic roguelike - one of the best. Love the random weapons and the pixelated art style. It can be a challenge, but it's fair for the most part, and each run leaves me wanting more. It feels great, plays great, and looks great.

Fun, but ultimately flawed beat-em-up with a wild difficulty curve. When it flows well it plays great but the controls can be clunky at times. Had a fun afternoon with it but tried following up at the point where I got stuck and did not have fun. Overall good game.