will bump up to 5 stars if they patch in the ability to make colin shut the fuck up

say that shit to me one more time and i will make a mii of your mom and have her move into my island second, forcing her to meet my mii and increasing the odds of us having sex

Mfers be like "All Nintendo has to do is release F-Zero with online!" and then they do exactly that and they whine about it on forums.

I keep trying to give the game a fair shot but I'm so utterly bored by every single aspect that I can't bring myself to get past the first few hours.

This game goes hard and I'm tired of pretending like it doesn't

my favorite monkey is the sniper monkey because the sniper monkey has the sniper gun that can go dunh-dunh-dunh or popopop-popopop-popopop or popopopopopopopopop depending on how you upgrade him

jumped out of my seat and cheered when the watcher said "it's watching time" before getting one shot because she was still in wrath stance

TL;DR I had such high hopes that Overwatch 2 would be the return of one of my favorite games. While there's some good in there thanks to the talented and passionate developers, basically every decision made by Blizzard has had a detrimental impact on the game. With PvE cancelled, there's nothing to look forward to and I no longer have any desire to play ever again.

It's genuinely impressive how hard Blizzard dropped the ball on Overwatch, should make a pretty interesting documentary in a few years. What seemed like something that would become the largest new video game franchise of the decade, subjected to a several-year long content drought to allow development on the sequel.
Most of that time was supposedly spent on the very impressive looking PvE, story-based content. This was the entire reason for Overwatch 2 to exist, and has just been announced to have been cancelled before the game even released. For players, this makes the three-year content drought Overwatch 1 faced seem to have had no payoff whatsoever. For the developers, who put their hearts into work that will never be released due to the whims of management, I feel incredibly sorry for.

Looking at the game they released: a revamped version of the PvP mode.

1. I like the move to 5v5. I think having a single, powerful tank is more fun and engaging than 2. I don't like how they removed 6v6 entirely, it should have remained an option.

2. Despite two less players, visual clarity has not been addressed at all. It's baffling how Blizzard thinks Overwatch can be an esport when most people cannot tell what's happening at any point.

3. The new heroes have been consistently pretty neat. Sojourn is a bit of a dud, but the remaining four continue the trend of tank and support heroes being by far the most unique. Similarly, the reworks to Orisa and Doomfist were huge in making them more fun to play as and engaging to play against.

4. The timed events are kinda neat, that mythology one was fun. The fact that content is coming regularly is a breath of fresh air

5. New maps are cool too. The only one that really sticks in my mind is the casino one. Pretty neat, has some verticality.

6. The new mode, Push, is my new least favorite. I guess it's a step up from 2CP, but it's way too snowbally, and dying once usually means a very long walk back from spawn.

7. Monetization... bad. I'm not a fan of battle passes to begin with (I don't want to feel like I have to play the game by a certain point to avoid missing out), but this one was done very poorly. It's gotten better recently with the addition of some currency in it, but it's not the currency the battle pass itself costs, a standard that most games with the system adhere to.
The skins are horrifically expensive, no one should pay $20 for a model swap in a first-person game. Even if the models are high quality, there's just no world where it's worth it, especially when the entirety of Overwatch 1 cost $20 in it's later years.

Overall, the OW2 we got feels like one step forward from OW1's later years, but an entire 5k race back from OW1 at it's peak. Blizzard's management has managed to fumble a property that seemed too big to fail. At this point, I don't see any reason to play Overwatch ever again.

The game has such high highs and I was constantly in awe at what it does. Once you get the hang of parrying, the combat is great. The characters and the humor are as well written as they could be.
The only issues I had were lack of optimization for larger displays and having to fight the camera a lot during fights in tight areas.

Because the game tells you when you guess incorrectly and there's no punishment for doing so, you can just move over every square and the puzzle will eventually solve itself. What an oversight.

Maybe the real nightmare was the game we played along the way

Playing Roblox today as someone who played a decade ago feels like speaking to a grandparent with alzheimer's. It's technically them, but you still miss them.

My friend introduced me to Roblox in fifth grade, 2011. It was neat to see all these make-shift games made by whoever. I've definitely spent hundreds of hours throughout my tween years doing basically nothing, and it was great.
Seeing what Roblox has turned into just makes me sad. It's so corporate. Games are made by giant organized teams, it's just not the same how I remember it (I think kids today would call me a boomer even though I'm in my early 20s).
There's also a weird stock market thing for virtual items? Considering Roblox is aimed entirely at a child demographic, this feels incredibly shady in a way that Steam market and even fucking NFTs don't (I'm not endorsing NFTs at all but at least they're exploiting adults instead of children).

To me, Roblox shut down around 2015, give or take a year.

Spectacular game at launch and still holds up eleven years later. I wish it were longer, but I'd rather have a great short game instead of an underwhelming lengthy game.

I completely forgot about this until I looked at my activity log and saw that I launched it 63 times with an average play time of 7 minutes. Weird.

having a hard time deciding if i'm more eeeh-ooh or aaah-ooh tbh