Though I could definitely say this game owes a lot to the Uncharted series, the opposite is also true so it's fair I think. But honestly I would say that the first entry into this rebooted series is better than the first Uncharted. But this game also does a lot to stand on it's own, albeit nothing particularly innovative to gaming in general, but still enough to make it more than an Uncharted clone. I liked that you got constant new weapons and gear throughout the game to keep things fresh and interesting. I will say I didn't do much of the side content including most of the tombs but I enjoyed the linear experience and it's nice to play a game that doesn't have pointless open world elements. I also really liked Lara's development from a frightened survivor to a true badass, but the side characters weren't particularly interesting. Still overall a really good game with fun and satisfying gameplay and some great set pieces.

This game takes the gameplay from Battle for Bikini Bottom and The Spongebob movie game and doesn't do much new or interesting with it. It was an okay platformer that at least held my interest until the end but didn't seem to innovate or improve much between console generations. There was also a bit of clunkiness to the gameplay that would sometimes result in unfair deaths but honestly the game was pretty easy so I had a ton of lives to spare. I would only recommend this game to fans of Spongebob games like the ones I mentioned who are purely in it for nostalgia.

After having played all the mainline Halo games over the past year (campaign only) I can say that Infinite was the one I had the most fun with. It doesn't have the best story, is lacking when it comes to characters, and the graphics, while just fine could have been better. But personally I feel that when it comes to most games, gameplay should be most important and this game achieves that. The semi-open world was a fun playground and it was cool to see how I would handle each encounter on the fly and with the weapons that were available around me. I did feel like there were certain unlockable weapons and especially vehicles that could basically break the game so I only really used them in a pinch. The various boss and mini-boss fights were usually pretty fun and felt rewarding to beat. Overall I really enjoyed this game and I would love to see some more single player content down the line though I don't expect it.

As with the first game, Sparks of Hope is a very solid, if entry level, strategy game but this one adds a lot to the gameplay both in battles and out. The levels themselves have far more to do in them and are very explorable, I had a lot of fun scouring each one meticulously. As for the battles, I felt that the new additions added tremendously to the overall feel and strategizing that made even the optional random enemy battles fun to play. I almost never fled a battle. The story was interesting enough though much of the dialogue was a bit cheesy and aimed more towards young players. Still overall a very strong sequel that outdoes the original in most ways. I am looking forward to the DLC and would certainly be interested in another sequel.

This game was only about two hours long but it told a lot of stories in that time that all add to the larger narrative. Graphically the game looks very good and is visually creative. The story is also engaging and emotional as you explore the house and learn more about the Finch family. The gameplay was simple with a few variations depending on the story you are playing. Overall I enjoyed the experience well enough but with no real challenge of any kind it's more of a playable story than an actual game in the traditional sense.

This was one of the most solid entries into the Halo series since Halo 2 in my opinion. Halo 3, ODST, and Reach just didn't hit the same, perhaps because the story simply wasn't as interesting. At it's core the story here is about the relationship between the Master Chief and Cortana although there is a larger plot going on. I also thought the gameplay was very enjoyable. I should note I only played the single player campaign and cannot judge the multiplayer. I also played it as part of the Master Chief Collection.

I'm not an avid Sonic player but I really enjoyed this game, especially the open levels though I wasn't as into the more traditional Sonic levels. The story was also interesting enough to keep me playing but not spectacular by any means and there seemed to be a lot of references to events/characters of past games which I did not understand. The music selection was underwhelming, I was hoping for more classic Sonic tracks rather than the generic rock songs used in later games. There were certainly elements to this game that could've been polished up a bit but overall I mostly enjoyed my time with it.

The graphics in this game were definitely a step above Halo 3/ODST but I found the story to be the least interesting in the franchise thus far. The gameplay as usual was fun and there were a number of cool moments and set pieces. I only played the campaign and did not touch on the multiplayer.

Decent enough little Halo game, more of a glorified DLC which I suppose was the point still it released as a stand-alone game so I've judged it as one. The way the story is told was pretty cool though the game is fairly short. I only played the single player campaign so I can't really judge the full experience.


Very entertaining and fun cat game. A little on the short side, I would've liked a bit more to do. Still it had a very interesting world and setting and the story was nice too.

My first time playing a Diablo game and I had a ton of fun with this even though I played on Normal difficulty which I did not realize was very easy. On a second playthrough I'll have to bump it up. Graphics were fine but not exceptional. The story was my favorite part of the game and I enjoyed getting every note and hearing all optional dialogue.

Decent game but I didn't like how open it was and would have preferred a more linear experience. Also extremely easy but it's a kids game so that is to be expected. The graphics were nice enough considering almost everything is made out of Lego.

Fun platformer though pretty easy for the most part until you get to the final boss then the difficulty spikes considerably. Graphics are great for the Switch, colorful and vibrant as a Kirby game should be.

Fun first person shooter with plenty of action. On par with Halo 2 gameplay ways. Graphics are definitely dated. Only played the single player campaign.

Really scary game unless you die on something multiple times, then it loses it's impact. Great graphics for the time it came out. The ending was meh.