This is a solid entry in the WWE 2K game series and is a step up from the lackluster and nearly broken previous entry WWE 2K20. There is a huge roster of both current stars (well, relatively) and Legends from the past. The gameplay has once again been tweaked unnecessarily in my opinion just so it feels different from the previous but still isn't as fun to play as some of the older games. There are several different game modes but none of them are all that appealing to me personally (I never even touched MyFaction or MyRise modes). The graphics are the best they've ever been but not every superstar looks as good as others and many of the titantron graphics are somewhat low quality. Also while this game isn't nearly as buggy as 2K20 was at launch I've still encountered a number of bugs and the game crashes semi-regularly. All in all I feel that these games have become complacent and there's a risk that competition such as the upcoming AEW Fight Forever game could unseat WWE as my primary wrestling game experience.

The Anniversary Edition of my favorite game of all time adds quite a few new quest, items, enemies, etc. but most of it definitely feels like light mods rather than substantial new content. However as a console player from the beginning it's still nice to have some new stuff to do outside of the main vanilla base game. That said I still would've replayed this game even if they didn't add anything (though I'd be hesitant to pay much) because as I mentioned this is my favorite video game of all time and I'm always happy to replay it every few years and it hasn't looked or played better on console than it does now. I am confident that I will be struggling to play this game when I'm an arthritis-riddled octogenarian.

This is my second favorite video game of all time (first is Skyrim) so any excuse to replay it is alright by me but it's particularly nice to get to play the best looking and playing version of the game available on console.

This was a pleasantly enjoyable game with a lot more of an emphasis on platforming than I expected. It also has a decent length, it took me about 5 hours to complete, and the story is interesting. The graphics weren't the best but they were serviceable enough to give a good sense of atmosphere.

Really scary game unless you die on something multiple times, then it loses it's impact. Great graphics for the time it came out. The ending was meh.

Fun first person shooter with plenty of action. On par with Halo 2 gameplay ways. Graphics are definitely dated. Only played the single player campaign.

Fun platformer though pretty easy for the most part until you get to the final boss then the difficulty spikes considerably. Graphics are great for the Switch, colorful and vibrant as a Kirby game should be.

Decent game but I didn't like how open it was and would have preferred a more linear experience. Also extremely easy but it's a kids game so that is to be expected. The graphics were nice enough considering almost everything is made out of Lego.

My first time playing a Diablo game and I had a ton of fun with this even though I played on Normal difficulty which I did not realize was very easy. On a second playthrough I'll have to bump it up. Graphics were fine but not exceptional. The story was my favorite part of the game and I enjoyed getting every note and hearing all optional dialogue.


Very entertaining and fun cat game. A little on the short side, I would've liked a bit more to do. Still it had a very interesting world and setting and the story was nice too.

Decent enough little Halo game, more of a glorified DLC which I suppose was the point still it released as a stand-alone game so I've judged it as one. The way the story is told was pretty cool though the game is fairly short. I only played the single player campaign so I can't really judge the full experience.

The graphics in this game were definitely a step above Halo 3/ODST but I found the story to be the least interesting in the franchise thus far. The gameplay as usual was fun and there were a number of cool moments and set pieces. I only played the campaign and did not touch on the multiplayer.

I'm not an avid Sonic player but I really enjoyed this game, especially the open levels though I wasn't as into the more traditional Sonic levels. The story was also interesting enough to keep me playing but not spectacular by any means and there seemed to be a lot of references to events/characters of past games which I did not understand. The music selection was underwhelming, I was hoping for more classic Sonic tracks rather than the generic rock songs used in later games. There were certainly elements to this game that could've been polished up a bit but overall I mostly enjoyed my time with it.

This was one of the most solid entries into the Halo series since Halo 2 in my opinion. Halo 3, ODST, and Reach just didn't hit the same, perhaps because the story simply wasn't as interesting. At it's core the story here is about the relationship between the Master Chief and Cortana although there is a larger plot going on. I also thought the gameplay was very enjoyable. I should note I only played the single player campaign and cannot judge the multiplayer. I also played it as part of the Master Chief Collection.

This game was only about two hours long but it told a lot of stories in that time that all add to the larger narrative. Graphically the game looks very good and is visually creative. The story is also engaging and emotional as you explore the house and learn more about the Finch family. The gameplay was simple with a few variations depending on the story you are playing. Overall I enjoyed the experience well enough but with no real challenge of any kind it's more of a playable story than an actual game in the traditional sense.