460 Reviews liked by joelover

Greatest fighting game of all time

Misakoko got me into a relationship that has been very good for my heart thank you craftegg

The real game starts when you get tired of playing it and just retweet ship art all day

doing weird sex torture finishing moves on angels is just about as dope as it gets

Folks I have been looking for Jason for a good twenty to thirty hours

It took me ages to get round to this one and let me tell you coffee man was a lot less cool than I was led to believe

Incredibly accurate simulation of living in London

Latria is unbelievably good. Some areas are less so but regardless I think the highs are so high they really make up for it. This game really opened my mind up to the kinds of things I could enjoy and the nexus is still my favourite souls hub area.

To understand is to become someone else

Every single aspect of this game is like nails on a chalkboard to me except dash punching people which was cool

It's like eating a whole thing of skittles

The game, much like the rebellious spirit of the streets, cannot be controlled