460 Reviews liked by joelover

It's so cute and lovely and the more you play it the more you start to feel like you're some long lost AI dedicated to building an endless array of luxury holiday homes for a race of beings that has ceased to exist.

Your labours are unceasing, contact with living beings is impossible, a demonic force keeps informing you that it's easter and that eggs exist.

It's still very cute though.

I don't know how to talk about fighting games good but this is the best I've ever felt playing one

I love wooloo more than life itself but not even pokemon could save Britain



Apologies to everyone who clicked liked on this review when it was negative but I like it now

Incredibly creative little game that also makes my brain hurt.

There has never been anything funnier in human history than the moment you think you have a good idea and then accidentally logic yourself out of existence and the music just cuts out to let you think about your hubris.

It's my beautiful, wonderful baby and I won't hear a word against it.

For real though I have a lot of attachment and the story gets really good towards the end and Scholar was one of my favourite classes in anything ever and Ruruka is very important to me and I can only talk about this game with the cadence of an excited child.

They should've made it so link was a dog who turned into a man like that's already his character

ugggghhhhhhhh even this one extra star is more for the dream than the game itself but I did have a lot of fun for a week or something just slamming face first into snipers while my gf stomped around so hey

It's not that much like my Japanese animes if I'm honest with you

He's done it Daves solved racism

Oliver don't put away your pokemon and run into that attack so you can hit the guy with a stick noooooooo

David Cage is the guy from Oldboy except the cell is a giant open plan apartment and they only let him watch the imdb top 100 movies and now he's back for revenge on us all