28, writer, filmmaker.
Favorite genres: Retro FPS, Survival Horror, Immersive Sim
Favorite Series: Resident Evil
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Probably the most important game ever made. Revolutionizing 3D graphics to the point where nearly all modern game engines are derived from it, bringing online play to the mainstream, and just being an incredibly well crafted game. Incredibly satisfying and snappy gameplay with tight controls and an excellent arsenal of weapons. Some of the best level design you'll ever see, enhanced by the impeccable sound design and atmospheric soundtrack by Nine Inch Nails. Couple that with a grimy, ominous art style and you've got something close to perfection.

If the original 4 id Software episodes aren't enough, you also have the original expansions, Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity, each with their own unique environments, weapons, monsters, and sounds. Then you've got the two Machine Games episodes, Dimension of the Past and Dimension of the Machine, the latter of which has some of the most visually stunning levels I've ever seen.

If that weren't enough, there's also the ever-growing add-ons that can be installed from the main menu. Then, you can grab yourself a source port like Quakespasm or VQuake and enjoy 26 years of community made maps, from small levels made by new mappers to massive mods that are bigger in scope than many triple-A releases like Arcane Dimensions.

As of writing this, the game is only $9.99, which is an absolute steal. If you are a fan of FPS games, or really gaming in general, you owe it to yourself to at least give one of the most important games ever made a try.

This just rules. The peak of Build Engine FPS. Gorgeous art and world design, the added enemy variants make combat even more compelling than the base game. The vehicle section is a blast, and ends just when it should. My only complaint is that it ended a little too soon, but it is an expansion after all.

Definitely one of the better entries in the franchise. I adored Castle Dimitrescu, House Beneviento, and exploring the village. The rest of the game ranged from tedious to entertaining, but even the the worst parts of the game have some great enemy and environment designs.