The last Pokemon game I played. Same formula with some updates.

KOTOR is the GOAT but the sequel was great as well.

XCOM2 perfected the gameplay, but the original was my first experience with this kind of tactical turn based game.

Beating this co-op was a hell of a night. Lots of Dr. Pepper.

First RPG I ever played. In the conversation for my favorite all time games.

I love this game. VI is probably better, but I don't love it like I do V.

Why they got rid of the turn based combat? The story was good tho.

Probably more me getting tired of the gameplay, but just not as emotionally impactful as season 1.

Probably my favorite game ever. The story twist was easily the most my jaw has ever dropped playing a video game.

Hitman 2 perfected that gameplay, but Hitman was what originally hooked me.

As a South Park fan it was hilarious and fun.

Nintendo please do more games like this.